Codename Peek-E

I would actually try to

I would actually try to change that “dangerlevel” number to something higher, maybe 100.

Later you might experiment with code to have it constantly scanning the sensor back and forth so that it does not run into object close by it just tried to turn away from. The sensor has a very narrow 5 degree cone in front of it that it detects in.

I’m a lot bugged at why the sensor reads 65 to 70 with nothing in front of it. Are the batteries alkaline or rechargeable NiCd/NiMh?

Alkaline and they are brand
Alkaline and they are brand new.

hey thats…
where did you get the LMR sticker from? i need one too for my robo

Its not a sticker…

It is just a printout from the LMR logo kit.

First I shrunk the image way down and then printed it, then I just glued it in place.

Hey, congrats! I knew you’d

Hey, congrats! I knew you’d figure it out.

Check in your code how far left and right Peek-E is looking. Since your bot’s body is quite wide, you may have to widen the angle he turns his head (assuming it is not actually at the maximum already).

I love the integrated LED on top of his head. Are you considering him done or do you want to add more now that you’ve figured out the basics? You could add a speaker and make sounds, add more sensors, a gripper, whatever.

Have fun!


I just uploaded the code I am using if you would like to have a look at it. It still needs a little bit of fine-tuning but it is more or less done.

I have already added a speaker and i’m still playing around with it!

As far as wheather or not Peek-E is done is hard to answer. I will say I have acomplished everything I set out to do, but who knows when inspiration will strike again.