CNC Router

This is my cnc router. I built it by following the book/plans from I'm very happy with the results. I've still got a few modifications left to do on it. For instance, I have new acme lead screws for all three axis, limit switches and control switches that I haven't added yet. So far I've only cut out a few parts from MDF and plywood. I have a few large hdpe plastic cutting boards that I route into robot parts as well.

- close up of gantry


- computer, breakout board, drivers, power supply


- breakout board, drivers, power suppy


- router


cuts things out of wood, plastic and soft metals.

  • Actuators / output devices: 3 stepper motors
  • Control method: computer printer port
  • Operating system: windows XP
  • Power source: 36v power supply
  • Target environment: indoors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I like it ! Video in action

I like it ! Video in action is a must :slight_smile:

That is one massive

That is one massive machine!
Looks sturdy and well built with a proper router and not just a Dremel.
Great work!

Thanks! I have plans to

Thanks!  I have plans to upgrade the router mount so that I can hold just the main motor housing.  That way I can mount the router without the attached base.  That should cut down on the weight the z axis has to support.  It will also give me some options for designing a better vacuum attachment.

I posted up a video I took

I posted up a video I took the other week.  It’s not the best, but you can get the general idea. :slight_smile: