CNC / 3D Printer alternative?

Hello all,
A dream of mine is to one day design and build a hexapod from scratch (isn't it everyone's?) from acrylic/MDF/similar.

Physically making all the body parts is the tricky part and I wanted to hear people's thoughts on keeping costs down, here are my ideas:

1. 3D printer - I'd have to get the cheapest one possible (< £200) and I guess they'd turn out flimsy.
2. CNC machine - this is ideal, make them from nice strong acrylic, but CNCs are huge, messy and expensive as far as I know.
3. Hand tools - I've tried using my hand jigsaw on acrylic before with very limited success.. without a proper workshop it's not easy.
4. ..? 

Maybe people have some other brilliant ideas, looking forward to any suggestions!