Clamps or Thing's Summer house

This Is Clamps, one of my new projects. Clamps is made of mostly Actobotics parts.

Other Parts:

  • Arduino Uno Clone
  • L9110s motor driver
  • 2x Clone MG995
  • HC05 Bluetooth adaptor
  • 3000mah Lipo

Plans for the Bot: A play toy of course!!! This will be a slow moving web-remote contolled car with a claw! :-)

It will be web-page driven (or also the remote I am working on) The gripper with have some movement up and down (see the pics below) It should be able to carry at the very least a full soda can in weight, but we will see. 

I will add more and better details as I work on it over then next few weeks.

Pictures of the build so far:




Did a little playing with the gripper 'Z' axis. I got the gripper assembly further off the chassis and should get a good range of motion. I need to get some metal spacers to replace the nylon ones. Also need a little shorter bolts to eliminate the extra nuts. It would cut the bots to length, but I am afraid it would damage the servo bracket. I also need to add screws to the square bracket and tighten it all up to get the sag

out. The sag looks bad in the pic, but not in RL :)



Update: 05-03-2015

Have the gripper mount all sorted out (mostly) Seems pretty secure and will do the 400g weight I hope far or very close to it. Will have to add some weight to the rear for a counter balance it though.  Time to code now I guess!!!

Update: 06-04-2015

My son has decided he wants this bot, so I have moved it to a strait Arduino with bluetooth. I have a Python GUI I have worked on some and have it mostly working.  I need to intergrate the gripper contol into the Python still.  The gripper hardware seems solid now after some KISS work. Uploaded two videos.

New gripper attachment:

Update: 06-11-2015

I have the code done on both the Arduino and Python sides now. The Python app looks okay I guess, but could stand a better layout maybey but it works fine.  You can drive all of the movment functions via the keyboard as well as the GUI. It works now with bluetooth or USB, but I plan to add sockets support soon and have coded it in that direction some what. I will make a video this weekend, but here are a few more end product images until then.


Added last video of it all working and the code.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Thanks Vis

My goal in a full soda can in weight. That would be around 400g. I think it should do it even with the cheap-o mg995’s, but I will see I guess.

I have two metal brackets that the screws holding the grip assemby. I do want the metal spacers, but it actually is stronger than it looks. It did not photgraph well I’m afraid.

More than enough Room

Looks like there is more than enough room to put a small netbook or tablet running windows inside. Great idea for a mobile platform with gripper. I can see this evolving into something more. Keep up the good work.

brilliant job jscottb as

brilliant job jscottb as always. anyway I’ve been watching your projects these months 

Thank you very much!

Thank you very much!

Good robot!
Awesome work dude!There is enough space in it to mount a laptop(think so) or a geared up raspberry pi.
You could even make it a home servicg robot.