Chopstix Jr MK2 ( or W.I.P, work in progress!)

Sorry For the flash. cant turn it off!

First of thanks to all for inspiration, and ideas. I spend far too long looking at other peoples work! This is my forth robot, Started with the " start here " robot ( great fun! ) and built a few other wheeled robots, using both Arduino and Picaxe. After being greatly impressed by Odbot's Chopstix ( fantastic machine. I cant even imagine the work that went into the build, and programming) and Lumi's chopstix Jr, I thought I would give it a try. Walking robots are much more fun, and much more impressive! So far the build consists of a small pcb, onto which I have soldered the Nano, along with a few headers to attatch the servos etc. The plan was to use a 7.4v 800Mah lipo ( rescued from crashed helicopter ) , going through a voltage regulator, to give 5 volts. There is a seperate feed to two rows of headers, + and -, so they dont take there power via the Nano. Im hoping this will work, but in a little worried the heat generated by one or two stalled servos will burn the voltage regulator straight through the PCB. Im very open to suggestions if people think this is a BAD idea. Work in progress, and Ill keep everyone updated.

Navigate around. look cute

  • Actuators / output devices: 8 x servos
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Arduino Nano 328
  • Power source: 7.4V 800mAh LiPo
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


Sorry for the duplicate picure. First time i’ve used this page…ooops

just for sure…

Are you using a 7805? If so, the Middle pin is ground, as in your picture I see a black wire attached to the left pin.

I understand your concerns.

I understand your concerns. Ive ditched the regulator, and planning on using diodes. the regulator could generate too much heat. thanks for your help

I understand your concerns.

I understand your concerns. Cant remember which regulator it was, but i did check data sheet

Okay :slight_smile:

Okay :slight_smile:

Wow, that’s a complete new

Wow, that’s a complete new approach to build a Chopsticks clone :slight_smile: I am olooking forward to the final creation.


Hi Lumi.the idea came about

Hi Lumi.

the idea came about simply because I had trouble finding paint sticks. Have since found a supplier that sells Waxing Spatulas…oooerr. But im hoping that the board will allow me to permanently fix sensors etc.

Thanks for your interest!

Update 20/02/2014

Have been very busy researching and planning. Work progressing, but fairly slowly. Have found a IR remote and reciever for a very good price, and hope to use this with chopstix, im pretty confident I can get it to do what I want. I guess we will just have to wait and see!




Spent far too long making the legs, using odbot and lumi's chopstick and polymorph method, but very enjoyable, and nearly eneded up making new kitchen utensils with polymorph, its too much fun. Its my own fault for buying a 1KG bag...... a little polymorph goes a long way!


Waiting for the postman to deliver the parts needed to finish the project, so hopefully all will be done in the next few days.