Chopstick II - An OddBot clone


I started with a clone from OddBots Chopsticks spider robot.

I have used 8x12Kg servos and 16x6,2Kg Servos from TowerPro Servos

I also buyed the spider controller and the spider servo shield ( thank you OddBot)

To build up the frame i used also chopsticks and Polymorph Plastic and very important an keramic knife :-)

I started with building up the 8 legs with chopsticks and plastic

 The next step was the spine to connect the four pairs of legs


 Next step is to building up the frame for holding the controller and battery. I am thinking about using a speech recognition (EasyVR - Voice Recognition Module) to give him a name.

 I have just finisched the frame :-) 

The next step is to buy the battery and setting up the basic electric circuit.



i received all my parts during the last week. And built up the torso of the Bot.

I used a 5000mAH Zippy Li-Po Battery and the DEGU High Power Switch and several connectors and cables.

Hi :-)

Sorry for the quit time. At the moment i´m waiting for a power source to start programming the bot. So far i can only drive 8 Servos simultanous with my 2A Power Source. But with a assiting hand i can get him stand up :-)


  • Actuators / output devices: 24 Servos
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: ATmega1280 MCU
  • Power source: 7, 4V 5000mAH Zippy Li-Po
  • Programming language: Arduino C

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

All you need now is a

All you need now is a Chinese lady to make a nice video :stuck_out_tongue:


Bahahahaha…(Sorry, couldn’t hold it anymore)

I am qualified…

…since I already have the Chinese lady :wink: So now i still need Chopstick.

I am really going to build one too since I fell in love with it from the first moment i saw it.

Great job basile, good luck by your project. But you know, once it’s done you have to take a flight to China and let the two brothers play together…this is also your chance to get the video with the Chinese lady done :wink:


Which are the 8x12Kg servos?