
So I haven't built any robots lately because I am really busy. But, just a day ago a friend sent me a whole pack of transistors, resistors, and a heck load of ICs. There are about 10 types of ICs he gave. Each having about 20 for each IC. I was wondering if I could use these in any robots but they just are to complicated. I tried searching on google and I really don't get that stuff. Could any of you help explain some of these ICs? Here is the tour through all of them:


The SN74HC74N-

The Internet says it's a Dual D-Type Positive-Edge-Triggered Flip-Flops With Clear and Preset. Put that sounds like jibberish to me.



The LM324N-



It's a Quad Operational Amplifier and I know the amplifier but not the Quad.



The CD4016BE-


It's a CMOS Quad Bilateral Switch. It sounds fimiliar but I don't know how I could use it.


This is a big one

The HD6303RP-

I have no idea what so ever this is.


The MSM5128-12RS-

I don't know what this is either.



The DG302ACJ-

This one also has no information about it.


The 7660CPA-

Some kind of voltage converter. I guess.



The ICM7170IPG-




The MC14442P-






The ICL7663CPA


That's all of them. If you know what any chip does please tell me in an easy way or if you found a website that will tell me. And if you'd like to help more tell me how I could use this in a robot. thanks. :)








Datasheets and Google, in echo

Reading the datasheet can be a great education on what a device does, or at least start to give an idea of what it is.Google is your friend.

SN74HC74N As said, a dual positive edge triggered D-flip-flop with preset and clear. Going through this title, dual means there are 2 circuits on this chip that perform the function of a flip flop. Positive edge triggered means that the circuit triggers on the rising edge of a clock signal, when the clock pin goes from low (0 volts) to high (5 volts). The D flip flop is a basic type of sequential logic, that takes an input (the D part) and sends it through ot the output (something called Q) only when the clock goes from low to high (the positive edge trigger). The preset when brought low will make the Q output high, the clear will make the Q output low regardless of what is on the D input or the clock. The /Q or not-Q output is opposite of what the Q output is. Here is a page that appears to have some info on sequential logic. Yes, it could be used in robots, but haven’t thought up a good app yet.

LM324 Low power quad operational amplifier. QUad means there are 4 amplifiers on the device that share power and ground. There are a ton of different circuits that can be done with an OpAmp, some of which are described in the datasheet. Driving LEDs, boosting small signals, combining signals. all possibly usefulkl in robotics.

CD4016BE CMOS quad bilateral switch. Again, quad means there are 4 circuits in the device. Oddbot just recently mentioned a good use for a similar device, in having 2 analog signals readable at one pin, selected by an IO pin. Very robot useful.

HD6303RP Appears to be some type of Hitachi microcontroller, similar to the Motorola 6800 micros. Probably useful for robots if you can figure out how and what to program it with.

MSM5128-12RS (datasheet details on side) 16K CMOS Static RAM. Difficult to find a datasheet, but Intersil lists a replacement HM65162/883 that probably has a similar pinout and timing. Possible use in robotics.

DG302ACJ TTL Compatible CMOS analog switch. The 302 appears to be a dual DPST switch. Appears to be able to turn on or off a transistor “switch” based on a TTL high or low. Seems like a low current (10 mA) FET switch with 2 outputs. Possibly useful.

7660CPA CMOS voltage converter. Can take a logic supply or other positive supply up from 1.5v to 10v and make an equivalent negative voltage, for devices requireing both a positive and negative supply (like some op amps, D-RAM) Several possible uses in the datasheet.

ICM7170IPG Real Time clock, useful if you have IO to spare to address and get/set the clock data.

MC14442P 8 bit AD converrter that sends read data over a 8 pin parallel bus. Useful if the micro reading has the spare IO.

ICL7663CPA programmable positive voltage regulator. Low current supply for a precise voltage source, for use with low power op-amps or as a refernece for AD converters. Output voltage is set with a resistor divider, shown in the datasheet.

Well, that took a bit longer than expected.

Just did a copy and paste of the comment
and typed in the title, and it transfered just fine.

This is great stuff you got
This is great stuff you got here. Thanks a lot.