Chess software development

I think one of my goals is

I think one of my goals is this…

To develop a chess engine, most likely along with a GUI, that can be communicated with via serial. Right now i am working on one in Processing, but i am writing it all which is something i wanted to avoid. I am no chess engine guru so i was hoping to be able to use an available chess engine online, but if none are adaptable to what i need then i guess i will be doing it myself. I see this program as being a good open source project for others to use in building chess related robots.

It should have a simple serial protocol where a move is inputed via the chosen com port at the chosen baud rate, the move gets displayed, the computer then responds via its chess engine, the response gets outputted over serial and displayed in the Gui. 

I might be crazy, but i know something like this would have been useful to me and probably others in the future. 

Well it does not do much now

Well it does not do much now but here is the basic idea of what i am doing.