Chess Playing Robot V1 (replaced with V2)

Where is he supposed to use
Where is he supposed to use them?

PSU>Power distribution/fuse

PSU>Power distribution/fuse block>circuitry


Here is the gripper I made. It is for vertical use.



The latest arms are a bit different that you see. More movement in the same space. Weight is about 50 grams.

Wow, Patrick! Looking
Wow, Patrick! Looking good. Keep it coming!


Can’t order parts until tuesday, when my debit gets reloaded…you lucky son of a bugger…

I am so ready to get started it’s not even funny…


Good documentation on this

Good documentation on this one, Patrick.

Guess you are looking forward to play a game of chess versus your robot.

Thanks. Yes im building it
Thanks. Yes im building it because i cant find anyone who will play me at chess (and because a robot that plays chess would be awesome). But i may have an advantage, i will know its programming :wink:

Love it
I love the idea. No doubt this is a tough task, stay after it though! Great progress.

Chess Playing Robot
You definitly should have a look at this

HiMay be we can exchange


May be we can exchange some ideas, here is my not-yet-finished chinese chess project:

I thought about using Reed switches and attach magnets to the chess pieces for chess pieces detection (actually I have bought a lot of Reed switches already) . Later on I realized I may not be able to control the robot arm precisely to pick the chess pieces. It ends up to use a camera instead.


well im using a crane and
well im using a crane and encoders for precision, but nice robot. I see how a arm is alot harder than a gantry crane.

Great idea and documentation.

Keyboard array scanning



That’s a shedload of wire on the back of the chessboard. You mention that multiplexing won’t work.

Yes it will.

I fully understand the problem: If there is a piece at C1 R1, at C2 R1, and at C2 R2, a “ghost” piece will register C2 R1 and C1 R2.

This is a common problem. The answer is a diode on every switch. You still need to scan the rows and columns individually.

Here’s how to kill the ghost:


Make your board with only 16 wires instead of 65.

Ah yes. But as you can see i
Ah yes. But as you can see i have completed the board and using the shift registers, i just have 8 inputs. It may be hard picking apart a 8bit number and translating that to single pieces

well done
well done

Looking good, 5 stars come
Looking good, 5 stars come when it works : p. Just a thought; I remember back in my mindstorm comp days we would sometimes have issues lining up with certain objects or getting the motors to stop in the same exact place each time, so we ended up having to use encoders on the wheels to produce the "same" results for competition and practice. Only applies if you have trouble lining the crane up with the pieces.

Great progress!
Great progress! Had a good read - starting to go through peoples blogs and sites now. Let me know how you get on with the XK1 :slight_smile:

that‘s awesome

that‘s awesome idea patrick,i‘m very interested with the way you have made the arm with,it is briliant

ep… cool… I like it,
ep… cool… I like it, servos are easy to use with Arduino, just be careful with the initial position for the grip. It should start at 0 degrees depending of your hardware configuration.

Hey PM, latest video is

Hey PM, latest video is looking good! The whole gantry arrangement is quite a bit faster than I was expecting, nice work.
Have you ‘debounced’ the new buttons? If not that might be the reason why your arm sometimes goes too many spaces over. Also, now that the servo problem is fixed, if you’re feeling brave you can remove the capacitors one at a time, and see which ones are really helping. To be honest though, your whole project is so big that a few extra capacitors here and there don’t make much difference =)