Cheap Robotic Arm

A cheap robotic arm based on the OWI arm. 5 potentiometers were added to give it a position feedback,plus one motor controller to control the gripper and motor shield to control the 4 other motors of joints, also a notebook webcam for live stream from the top of the arm and a ultra sonar sensor to measure distance from objects.all this will be controlled from web via a node.js web server plus - and serial node.js librery.


finish the web interface:


The basic arm 5 motors are connected to arduino motor shield but because there is only 4 dc motors on this shield I added a motor controller that I had which only on working motor connection but all I was needed is one...

I also put 5 potentiometers with hot glue to have a feedback to position all of them are connected to A0-A4 analog pins on the arduino via the motor shield. A5 is for the ultrasonic range finder. also I connected the LED which came with the arm kit to the last digital pin available on the motor shield...

The arm is connected with USB to windows xp which I use as a small desktop server :

this server is running node.js app with and serial module and also Yawcam for live webcam feed:

All this setup is connected to my webserver which serve the static pages,scripts,css,images.


moving arm with webcam controllable from web.

  • Actuators / output devices: DC motor - 5
  • Control method: remote control via web
  • CPU: atmega168
  • Operating system: windows XP
  • Power source: 9v power supply
  • Programming language: Arduino, javascript
  • Sensors / input devices: USB webcam, potenciometers, SRF04 Ultra Sound
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

It looks very

It looks very interesting.

I’d like to experiment with arms but this solution is affordable to start some experiment.

Show us more please :wink:

It looks very

sorry… double post and I don’t know how to delete one