Chaos beetle with video

Hi guys,

I would like to introduce you the first robot of my son (Michael). He is nine years old and he often helps me with my robots. This is very simple robot. He make a great noise.

Michael worked for the first time alone with soldering iron. This was great.




This is the address for people what do not see the video :




And here are a few photos:



see you later...

Robot navigate around via ????

  • Actuators / output devices: One motor
  • Control method: Chaos
  • CPU: Picaxe 28X1 and Asuro ;)
  • Power source: 3V
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR, SRF05, bumper switches, compass module ;)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Looks very cool!The video is

Looks very cool!

The video is private though - can you unlock it so we can view it?

What program???

What program???

With what program you look (Internet Explorer or Mozilla or ??).

I always read your site with internet explorer, but the videos only with mozilla. I do not know why I can not watch videos with internet explorer?

Here’s the link: “


Thanks for your reviews. Michael is very happy.

youtube private

Make it “Share your video with the world” (that’s us).


Choice of browser has nothing to do with it.


I have done!
I have done! Thanks

Chaos Beetle

Terrific robot. The buzz sound is a great feature.

If you sharpen the "feet" it could be a Roomba style floor sander. Get rid of that pesky wax buildup.

Steve K.