Changes for LMR V.4

During shouting in the shout box, I've seen many people hope that LMR v 4 will have the changes they want, so I made this forum topic for everyone to tell the admin the changes they want in the new version of the site. Please post the changes you want to see and I hope fritsl and other admin will see this.

Note- Your commenting in this forum will not mean that your desired change is reflected in version 4 of the site. This is just a off topic forum to discuss what LMR ians want. The final changes will be decided upon by the admin and fritsl.

Inline search
The only change I’ll like to see is an inline search instead of connecting to google everytime.


i’m a newbie here. but i thought i give it a shot. how about we give a beep in the shoutbox? there would be an option to kill the beep so that maybe we can respond faster towards the current session? 

Some requirements from me

Here some requirements I’d like to have. The user is a logged-in LMR member.

Req 1000. The site must give the user the ability to modify the content i.e. of a robot project and keep the content in the modify state until the modification is finished. While the modification the initial content is still available online.

Req 1010. The site must give the user the ability to show modifications that occured from one published change to the other. This makes it possible to modify without adding extra update sections, as some LMR already do.

Req 1020. The site shall give the user the ability to embed videos in the text.

Req 1025. The site must give the user a A4 size WYSIWYG entry field for the robot project. Big projects need space. No need to make the entry field as small as it is now.

Req 1030. The shoutbox content shall be accessible through a webservice interface. This gives momentum to new robotic forms of shoutbox visualisations. Interesting to see what people come up with.

Req 1040. The site must save all content a user types in all the time. What is worth for the user to write is worth of the system to save. No lost content anymore. The content is always persisted.

Req 1050. The site must give the chance to make the distinction of a minor or major change. Minor changes do not lead to frontpage appearence as an example of the possible application.

Req 1060. The site must give the user the ability to mark all new comments as seen. Several comments with the new mark get unmarked with one click.

Req 1065. The site must provide access to an issue tracking system where people can officially report defects, bugs or feature requests. Each issue is trackable and all the time reflects what happens to it

Req 1070. The site must refresh automatically changes like the publish of a new robot project.

Req 1072. The site must not cache user profile images. A changed image must be shown directly. Without browser cache clearance.

Req 1080. The site shall give the user the ability to show an other user a yellow or red card. This is an extension of the "report spammer" feature.

Req 1090. The site reflect the increasing mobile devices accessing the site. An iPad must have a WYSIWIG editor too.

i would like to have…

a mobile version, deletable comment, facebook like profile, online flash games below the shoutbox(some kind of a robot themed flash game, so when we are bored, we can play online!), search engine that’s not google, blogs should be on the recently collected’s place and vice versa(so we can see a preview of the blog instead of the title). that’s all for me!

Blog posts
Unpublished blog posts do not appear in the recent blog posts area on the right of the screen.

Another good idea

Seeing blogs on swarm bots and mogul’s comments on AVR, I think it will be great to keep logically related robots, tips and all other stuff in one category. Bots fulfilling multiple category definitions can be posted in multiple categories but should redirect to a single link. Also, one need that swarm bot made me think about is the need of articles that can be formatted and rewritten by multiple users. For swarm bots, lumi, warnew, aaronsuper1 and me are brainstorming. A lot of others are interested too. If there had been a single area for swarm bots, we could all write in it and then format our article to present one single article on swarm bots.

’Code’ window.

Ability to use tags to produce a scrollable window when inserting programs into a post.  Random example from the Picaxe forum here.


Thanks vishurockssrivastava

Thanks vishurockssrivastava for this post.

The level of information we are giving you guys on v4 is way too low. I do not know if you can understand this, but I am thinking a lot about you guys, and what I should tell you. In the same time, I am spending every minute I have available on the project, and I just never get to the communicating, which I am sorry for.

I just mailed Andrew (ignoblegnome) a pretty good view into what is going on, I expect he will pass on the info.

In any case I am about to open a development blog - I am just not sure when I will get to it - in reality.

One of the things I have been thinking about telling you is; I have agreed with Hugo_NL (Programmer on v4) that we are not submitting a single new feature request before the site is on air. Simply because now we have that as primary target; Get the thing up and running.

That does not mean that the inputs here are not read, and not welcome. But you should wait and see the new site before you think too much; What you think of now can only relate to the old LMR - things may be different in the new.

I will not get into describing v4 here - if Andrew is not doing it, I will get to it - but with the calendar I am running, it may unfortunately be quite some time, I am sorry.

What I will post, is news from Hugo - and they are about to come, I hope :slight_smile:

Cheers for the update, and

Cheers for the update, and thanks to you and Hugo for all the hard work =)

Thanks for the update. I

Thanks for the update. I started this forum post only as a way to compile what other people want and the intention was never to put any pressure on you guys. I’m sorry if there has been some unintentional pressure.

It would be nice with

It would be nice with something like the revision history which wikis use, It has happened more than once that I’ve messed up when editing one of my articles and just didn’t bother to fix it. Wiki-like syntax would be really nice too, 


Oh, and inline search. Damn I miss that feature right now :slight_smile:

edit: Another nice thing would be some sort of notification for when you’ve got a new comment or reply on something. Now you have to look at each(or use email notifications, I get enough emails as it is thank you :slight_smile:

Maybe a Wiki type of thing?

We need some kind of knowledge base, more sophisticated than the Tip/walktrough section.

The stuff should be searchable and people can link to there as well. It makes solving questions that have been asked a houndred times much easier --> that’s how it’s done on sites that are “forums only” if you know what I mean.

May I suggest using

May I suggest using for gathering feedback and suggestions that way it limits duplicates and gives us the ability to vote up good suggestions :slight_smile:

see for example

While stopping duplication of comments us a good idea…
… The topic on voting for anything on this site has been discussed before in other blog (s) (search rcr). I personally am against community voting or rating as no 2 robot, tip or blog is same and hence can’t be compared (again see rcr for my views).

The suggestion was aimed

The suggestion was aimed more at decreasing duplication so the administrator looking through this bunch of replies doesn’t get confused rather than LMR4 itself.