Cereal Box Combat Robot

Here is my latest ant weight combat robot, the Krave Monster.

This robot is kind of a combination of a "dust pan" style combat robot with a clamp style. The dust pan forms the bottom of the mouth, and has a movable front wedge that keeps enemy robots from driving out to the mouth. The top of the mouth comes down on the opponent, helping to trap them on top of the dust pan (and scoring extra judge points).

Because my design requires the robot to "eat" other robots, I had to use a light weight material for the body. I ended up using foam board. This will get beaten up by other robot, but all of my electronics are quite far from the edges, so no real damage should be done. Also, the robot isn't invertible, so I am hoping that the foam will be hard for vertical weapons to catch onto, which could flip the bot. We'll see how it holds up come competition.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/cereal-box-combat-robot

Cereal Box

Good choice of cereal boxes too. This is the type of inspiration they need for a commercial. I’ll already propose that your next project look like a normal box of “Krave” but “transforms” into a hungry robot monster and send a link to Kelloggs.

Featured in Hackaday - way

Featured in Hackaday - way to go! Isn’t that funny that Hackaday has become our gold standard for hack innovation. LMR could take a few lessons.

Hackaday is great,

Having a little filter between submissions and what gets posted really improves the quality.  Sometimes when my things end up there I actually feel like they’re not as deserving compared to other entries. 

**Yes- Krave is great **

I’ve thought about doing something like that before, but prefer to stick to projects where I can enter a competition at the end.  That’s more fun for me.  

I don’t understand what you

I don’t understand what you mean by filter.