This robot was my first robotics project It was made of three layers of 3cds each, cutted to fit between them. The wheels where made also from old cds sticked together and with a band of rubber. I also build the PCB. Its brain quite silly dough, was a PIC. This was before knowing Arduino and Android.

The code that can be seen in the video was for testing the bumpers, that I built from the wires of an old umbrella.

I think this post makes not to much sense now, as the robot is already dead and burried, but I wanted to add it in his memory and to keep track of my projects :)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Good old whisker

Good old whisker bumpers/sensors.


We all try to go too high tech with ultrasonic srnsors these days

You are right!

That is totally true! I made this robot in 2007… when my budget was quite constrained. But now, just 1 week ago I received 18 ultrasonic sensors from china… I don’t know what I was thinkg… 18!! what am I going to do with them?? 

a swarm of robots!

parking sensors, distance scanners, gesture controllers, rubbish bin fill meter, a smart desk that switches on when you sit down,…


the CD were burned?

cool, you made this while on

cool, you made this while on a train


Noo, that is the noise that used to be heard from my room where a lived in Buenos Aires. . Quite noisy right?


That’s right all of them where burned cds that I was no longer using

Great ideas!

I’ll take note of all the sugestión :slight_smile:


yes too noisy

yes too noisy