Can't upload any pictures

Hi there,

I can't upload any pictures for some reason. This is what I see when  I open the upload window:

Directory error! - files/userpics/u21387

Anybody an idea?

I'm trying to put up a write-up about my BoBtheBiped...



I had the same problem, jinx

I had the same problem, jinx told me in the shout box that someone is working with the servers and maybe give it a day and try again. 

That’s because "files"

That’s because “files” directory is (currently) not writeable.  

give it a day and try again.”   - Word! :slight_smile:

OK thank for the responses.

OK thank for the responses. I’ll try again later today or tomorrow.

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I had to temporarily change the permissions on several directories. You should be able to upload again in about 4-6 hours. I’ll make more annoncements of things like this in the future.


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