CANBOT- Smallest Robot figure made from SODA CAN

A handmade robot from soda can with a vintage robot appearance. The size of the Canbot measures only 3.5 cm tall.

wow super cute :stuck_out_tongue:
wow super cute :stuck_out_tongue:

Of all the spam we get in

Of all the spam we get in here this is just about the most bizarre!

Well… it IS "robot-related", and you did after all just post one topic, and in the right forum, sort of… So If you can justify that your prouct is not made in sweatshops, I will let it live as a free ad in here.

You say it is handmade… Who is making them?

lol, i didn’t even realize

lol, i didn’t even realize it was spam… i haven’t seen the author is “canbot” .

well anyway they’re cute… :slight_smile:

Awesome, If I have some

Awesome, If I have some spare time, I really need to make a few of these :slight_smile:

GobliZ - Check out my robots