
Well, This is my first Robot. I was interested in Robotics and saw your website about 1 and a half years ago or maybe 2. I did not have any Idea where to start, Until I found A Mindstorms NXT Set !

So, I modified the starting tutorial robot in the set and Here's CanBot. I added Some more places to put things on, Some sensors... I am really happy that now I got to make a robot at last !

There is a Walk around program for starters that I wrote. Note that there is no Keep Alive block so the NXT will stop the program automatically after 5 minutes or so depending on your settings. You can add one if you want. NOTE: The UltraSonic Sensor should be connected to port 1 ! There is also a Make Music file attachments, which makes the robot play different tones. Sometimes it is good, but sometimes, the music is the worst I've heard !

(I read your start here page, In where I live, They don't sell those parts so I bought a Mindstorms NXT set in my holiday to London ! )


My Robot !

Navigate around, make music

  • CPU: Lego Mindstorms
  • Power source: 6 AA batteries
  • Programming language: NXT-G
  • Sensors / input devices: NXT ultrasonic sensor, NXT light sensor, NXT sound sensor
  • Target environment: indoor on smooth surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Keep it up!

Nice job. I’d expect to see more Lego bots appearing from you!!

You might consider a log of the stuff you find out about programming NXT as you go: like a list of pitfalls for newbies. I’m considering upgrading my RCX to an NXT, but, knowing me I won’t want to bother reading the manual.

…but I’d read a list of do’s and do not’s.

cool. i have an nxt too and

cool. i have an nxt too and its always great to see a robot from that kit.
