Hi all,
I am new to robotics and have a general question about motor controllers.
I need to drive a 12v stepper motor and a 12v DC motor and I would like to supply the power to the Raspberry Pi and to the motor drive board from the same inlet.
I though of using the Waveshare stepper motor hat (https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/Stepper_Motor_HAT). It can drive two stepper motors and can directly supply the 5v to raspberry pi as well so it will solve a big chuck of my problem. But I am not sure if this hat can drive my DC motor. As far as I understand the theory a driver that can run a stepper motor should be able to run a DC motor as well. But there are no description for this hat that mentions a DC motor.
Can you please let me know if this hat will be able to drive my DC?
And if not, do you have any other suggestion as to how I may be able to achieve my goal with other available parts?
Thanks a lot