Can I rent a supercomputer?

I am having hobby-fun with learning Processing (

I like how I can do millions of vector based calculations pr second. But I want more. I want much, much more. Millions of times more. I am having fun rendering particle systems / simulations. My poor computer is rendering day and night, but it's noway near enough.

I am running programs that save screendums as PNG, and then a second program (Processing tool) to gather them into movie files.

As you may be aware, Processing can save the assambled code in various formats (I do not dare to be specific, as I do not know what i am talking about, but they are self contained, and can run on Mac, PC, and Linux)

So.. I was wondering if I could not rent a super computer somewhere to crunch some really heavy numbers. I had a look at various websits, but I feel like a .. I am a complete noob.I do not know what to do, and how.

Is it even possible?

Would any one have any tips, hints, experience?

Thanks :)

Maybe you are looking for

Maybe you are looking for something like Amazon EC2

It may be cheaper…

to optimize your code rather than using a computer that is 1 milion times faster. I am pretty confident that your code could be made 100 times faster with some work. 

Your code won’t run very fast on a supercomputer anyway because supercomputers are only fast when doing parallel calculations, so you would have to rewrite everything.


If you are willing to rewrite it you might want to take a look at BOINC


CUDA and OpenCL


Here’s an example of

Here’s an example of multi-threaded image loader in Processing -

Without the posted code as antonio said, it’s a little difficult to guess on how it can be optimized, or possibly distributed over multiple threads, or implemented over a multi-threaded framework.

(PS - is the new avatar one of you taking a sobriety test?)