Can I control this device through my computer in real time?

I’d like to be able to plug this into my computer and write code that will run in real time on my computer that effects the servos connected to the board. Is this possible or do you need to use that atom thing?

I can program in C/C++/and a few other languages.

Will your computer be running a “realtime” OS (aka not windows)?


my mistake.

I’ve asked this question in another topic (not in original post). If any one else has an answer as well I meant, Will the SSC32 be able to receive input and send output (even if delayed) to a computer that is currently running a program I’ve written?

Yes, you can communicate with the SSC-32 via a program you’ve written which is running on a computer.

As an example, I control my SSC-32 via a program written in C# and running on Windows. My application sends commands to position servos based on input from the user and temperature sensors.

If you’d like to try C#, you can get a free compiler from here:

Here’s a simple class to send commands to the SSC-32.

[code]using System;
using System.IO.Ports;

namespace TempController
class ServoController : IDisposable
SerialPort port;

    public ServoController(int comPortNumber)
        port = new SerialPort("COM" + comPortNumber, 115200);
        port.NewLine = "\r";

    public void SendCommand(string cmd)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("SC: {0}", cmd));
        catch (Exception e)

    #region IDisposable Members

    public void Dispose()



Here’s a sample program to send commands to the SSC-32.

[code]public class Program
static void Main()
// SSC-32 is connected to COM1
ServoController sc = new ServoController(1);

    // Position servo 0 to 1500
    sc.SendCommand("#0 P1500");


Hey thanks a lot. My SSC-32 came today (damn brokers fees) so I can’t wait to try this out. Still got to grab a usb to db9 cable though.

Again, thanks.

This class worked well for me just as some feedback. It probably saved me a good few hours of research and trial and error.

hello !

I am new member in this forum. First, I have some question about robot hand Lynx 6 Series of Robotic Arms. I wound like to make own software for moving control robot hand. i will be to make my software in Visual Studio with C# language. But how I can compute inverse matrix in C#? Who know if I can get library, which compute matrix?

Thanks for answer!

These links should help.