Campus Party Bot

This is the Robot I created at the Campus Party 2013 :-) It's a small Robot based on the Analog Line Follower ALF, and is being controlled by an Cheapduino from DFRobot. It is supposed to follow around IR-Sources but it's not doing that so far. It also features a Sharp Distance sensor.

The robot is powered by an 1S LiPo, so i had some troubles with the power supply. The digital IR Receiver(located between the two sheets that form the nose) doesn't work at 3.7V. The Sharp sensor(between face and servo) isn't working correctly too, but it's good enough to detect an obstacle, which is all i wanted to do anyway. The Stress Ball on the back is needed because with the Servo on the front, there was too much weight on the Led and the Robot wouldn't move any more.

I had quite some fun with the Cheapduinos, the size is great, even if you only have 6 Pins(3Analog in and 3 with PWM out) to use. For a robot this small, it's completly enough but even on a bigger robot they could be quite useful as I²C Slaves. I'll be doing some experiments together with my Raspberry Pi, using them to control a room, and maybe a Terrarium.

More Information will come soon.

A big thank you goes to DFRobot for donating most of the Parts.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hallo! Willkommen in

Hallo! Willkommen in LMR!

I’ve saw it in action in a video of RobotFreak’s channel. Funny little thing!





Welcome to LMR Sebas and

Welcome to LMR Sebas and thanks for posting that little robot. I am already inspired to reactivate some ALF for an upgrade :slight_smile:

Please keep posting the details about this one, i am sure the guys here want to know more too…