Call for reviewers Pulsed Light Distance Sensors

There is not

There is not time frame at the moment. Let´s see

Wait is it updated?

Dear: Franciscodr

I thought this post was updated because when I logged into LMR it said it was updated but nothing I can see is different?

From: Noah


Hi Noah,

It was just correcting a misspelling. Nothing important. Thanks for checking :wink:

Oh bummer.

Dear: Francicodr

Sorry I thought that the reviewers had been picked but anyways cool!!!

From: Noah

LMR and Lidar-Lite Review

I would attempt to construct a mobile system to laser scan portions of rock slopes and assess the potential for instability.  Thank you for providing this opportunity for LMR participants.


Thank you mekkatronix!

Both for your interest and proposal. We´ll see who finally get the parts. You can give thanks to the manufacturer and Robotshop for this opportunity :wink:

Thanks for the deadline!!!

Dear: Franciscodr

Thank you for the update. Looking forward to the review.

From: Noah

Thank you

Thank you RobotShop for selecting my project. Looking forward to writing the articles.