Call for Reviewers Pixy CMUcam5 Image Sensor

UPDATE 03/02/16: The two lucky reviewers are Dickel and nhbill. Looking forward to seeing this product incorporated in your projects. We will contact you shortly to coordinate sending the product for review.


As for others, don't give up, we have two calls every month.

UPDATE 03/02/16: We will choose the winner this friday. Any last entries?


Hi LMR members!


Need to add vision to your robot? We have two Pixy CMUcam5 Image Sensor to give away for free in exchange for a review on LMR.

The Pixy CMUcam5 Image Sensor is a fast vision sensor you can quickly "teach" to find objects, and it connects directly to Arduino and other controllers. It’s great for robotics or any other application that requires computer vision. Pixy processes images from the image sensor and only sends the useful information. 

Its main features are:

  • Fast, easy-to-use vision sensor with a powerful processor

  • Processor: NXP LPC4330, 204 MHz, dual core

  • Image sensor: Omnivision OV9715, 1/4", 1280x800

  • Lens field-of-view: 75 degrees horizontal, 47 degrees vertical

  • Data outputs: UART serial, SPI, I2C, USB, digital, analog


If you want a chance to review this image sensor, add a comment below with the following:

  1. That you are a member for at least 3 months, with at least 2 publications of enough quality (it is at the discretion of LMR to decide that quality, but they are fair, just try your best!).

  2. What you will use the Pixy CMUcam5 Image Sensor for.


Reviewers must:

  1. Use the “Tips on writing reviews at Let’s Make Robots”, and use pictures and videos in their review.  
  2. Write their review within 6 weeks of recieving the free product.
  3. Consider using the videos with LMR intro and end. Not compulsary.

Between all contestants LMR will select two members who will receive for free and review this product.

Good luck!



   This is one awesome review call :slight_smile:

I wanted to test a Pixy CMUcam capabilities for a long time but it happened I never got one.

I would like to test this camera with an Arduino robot and furthermore with a Lego Mindstorms robot, for object tracking, line follow, vision based navigation, in artificial and natural lighting conditions.

I’m a member of this comunity for some years and you can check some of my my projects here:




il review the pixy camera module
techset on youtube!
iv wanted to add seeing capibility to my robot and heard of this. I was thinking of buying this but wasn’t sure how to use and if i wanted to spend 70 dollars.

[email protected]
techset on youtube!

What a great call!I’m a LMR

What a great call!

I’m a LMR member for more than 3 years.

Here are some of my preferred projects: (MDi #3, a Johnny Five-like robot) (MD-Hund, a robot dog) (Mad Max’s Peacemaker-like tracked vehicle) (DC#01, another Johnny Five-like robot) (Automata Pilgrim 7000-like robot head)


I’m starting a new “big” project for this year (see the cardboard prototype in the pictures below), and it lacks sensors, to be smarter… :slight_smile:

So I can implement this sensor in the head. To be fair, probably still will take a long time to finish the head. But the review I can do sooner.






Merely to supplement… a

Merely to supplement… a video about my project posted today:

+1 for Dickel

I for one would love ot see what Dickel can do with this module as part of his review.

Thank you very much, buddy!

Thank you very much, buddy!

I bought this when it first

I bought this when it first came out.  It said I can use this for any up, but as it turns out, not really for the propeller.  (Unless someone figured out a way to use it as easily as the aurdino?)  If not, I guess I’ll sell it on ebay

Pixy cam review.

techset on youtube!

What will i use it for:

a robot that will track the color of my jacket and follow me around and can hold stuff with the voice cammand hold this and it will close until it senses something being gripped. 

It may also have sensing from the camera to detect threats like if it sees a knife or gun or something that could threaten me its master, and pertect in any way it can. Maybe bb pelets or flame thrower lol!

Sometimes its good to have someone who is always with you no matter what happens like a little robot friend.

Pixy cam review?

I’ve been a member here for over 2 years know and the only project I have posted about is still in it’s programming stage. (An autonomous biped.) And I wrote a topic about Basic and it’s benefits. Unfortunately it seems that quite a few members have gone since then so the questions I asked and answered are gone or missing lots of info. In short: not very interesting “publications”.

What I would do with the Pixy cam? I would use it with my Mindstorms NXT set (in Lego “block code” of course) and make some entry level tutorials. Mindstorms are by far the most popular robotic sets so from a commercial stand point showing how to harness the power of vision for Lego robots is the way to go. Arduino and other platforms are also popular, but the average person who uses those platforms more often than not don’t need tutorials, they are capable enough to figure that out themselves and thus are perfectly capable to decide if they need a Pixy cam or not. I’m not saying that I won’t do an Arduino tutorial, but in my opinion Mindstorms tutorials are much more interesting.

I will put my new robot project.

techset on youtube!

My robot will be named boltblaster, he will follow me around by tracking the color of my jacket and following Me. He can hold something if i say hold this with voice recognition. Then if He see’s a threat like a gun or knife with the camera it will try to pertect me with maybe bb’s or flame thrower lol! It will keep me company and be my bro. He will have other things like human detector like all the colors of human skin detector in the pixy cam so He can single out all humans and maybe also have pir. Also He can see the sidewalk and make sure to stay in it and not go into the road if He’s following me on the road and maybe can see cars or something so it doesnt go in there path. I hope to win and do the reveiw bye.

dronebot with flamethower

techset on youtube!

With this camera i might make a drone with ultrasound detectors to avoid flying into walls and flys around and can follow something or pick up stuff or single someone out and shoot them with bbs or flamethrow them and fly around trying to pertect me from bad people with flame thrower which would be fun to build and use it would be bad ***!

**boring people **

techset on youtube!

Guys saying minestorms or restating what the products funtionality is is not what the question is (Mindstorms is somewhat for begginers anyway). The question is what are you pesificaly doing with it not who your giving it to hint hint robotics team bill and you said you dont have any exsperience with this stuff anyway and they give advanced stuff based on advanced and hard working and exsperienced builders.I have been self taught and have been months after months being frusterated out of my mind over things not working and things breaking and electric problems and i went through all that and now with it have the exsperience of using:

cicuits with risistors,capasitors,leds,diodes and transistors,Arduino (and hard working learned advanced coding), atom phisics, magnatic field, fixing broken electronics(easy but still); 

i think the person that worked hard for the knowledge and skill, night and day through all kinds of pain and problems electronics have to throw at you to learn should be rewarded. Not someone who doesnt know what there doing as well and is a begginer. But abvoiusly they have to do the reiveiw so its not that easy thankfully.



 Im the only one who actually said in detail what im doing accept for the guy with the pictures or the awesome thing made of cardboard i think its pretty much between me and him! Oh wait but he didn’t state what his robot does and how the sensor will effect his robot so yeah im really the only one who answered the worlds easyiest question if they cant even answer the question correctly then how can they do the reveiw? 

My robot will be named boltblaster, he will follow me around by tracking the color of my jacket and following Me. He can hold something if i say “hold this” with voice recognition. Then if He see’s a threat like a gun or knife with the camera it will try to pertect me with maybe bb’s or flame thrower lol and will sound an alarm! It will keep me company and be my bro. He will have other things like human detector like all the colors of human skin detector in the pixy cam so He can single out all humans and maybe also have pir. Also He can see the sidewalk and make sure to stay in it and not go into the road if He’s following me on the road and can see cars so it doesnt go in there path. Having a robot be able to see an outlet based on the camera would be helpful so it can charge itself. I hope to win and do the reveiw bye. 


Why don’t you focus on your own proposal (like condensing it into one concise, easy to read post) instead of trying to pick holes with other people’s proposals? There’s just no need for it.

I, for one, think highly of reviews for beginners from the perspective of a beginner.

I hope attitude is taken into account when the select the lucky candidate.

well yeah

techset on youtube!


but begginers should get stuff they will use and can do the review with without trouble.

but yeah your right im not trying to be mean im just stating that they are intrestead in your creativity and other aspects along with the knowledge to use it.

I have been a member here

I have been a member here for 3 years.  I haven’t ever published a project because to date I haven’t really done anything that remarkable.  I have done robots that are autonomous, won’t fall down stairs etc, but nothing really, really cool that I think is outstanding and stands by itself. I am not a hardware guy, but the past three years I have learned a lot thanks to the many folks here at LMR.

Where I have been helpful to the community is my ability to write software since I have 16 years experience in the field.  I did do several blogs that I feel are interesting.

This is an AI framwork that one can use with an Arduino.  I taught a robot what the best courses of action to do were when it ran into an obstacle after about 10 minutes.  What I have since done with this is to extend it to work in C# and attempted to make it much more generic rather than the specific implementation I published here on LMR.  I have left it so it will be easy to port to Java or C++ if I decide to do that.  The framework has extended from just a few hundred lines to almost 10000 lines of C# so it will do advanced event pattern matching, reinforce its learning etc.  There are still some bugs with it so I haven’t put out another update on the code and what the library can do.  I have it working with a Pong game I found online and after 20 minutes it beats the algorithm of have the paddle follow the ball whereever it is vertically.  It also can learn complex behaviors on its own by randomly trying different actions and then verifying them as successful or not against its motivations.  It also recognizes patterns from its experience that it hasn’t encountered before and will then work to try to find best ways to meet its goals the next time it sees the event pattern.  I have found the work on this incredibly frustrating and fun at the same time.

From an architecture viewpoint, this is interesting and was fun to build.  Ultimately, it was an interesting but failed experiment.  I learned a lot about embedded development from the experiment.  Knowing more about Arduino that I do now, I would use FreeRTOS to get the same multithreading, move it up to an Arduino Mega but maybe keep some of the ideas like Algorithm in separate class etc.  I also learned a lot about memory management with C++ on an embedded platform.

I have in progress a blog to help people to deal with encoders on an Arduino so one can tell it to move forward an exact amount, backwards, turn so many degrees.  I noticed there are a lot of questions on this issue and feel it might help.  My code is kind of hard to follow so I have been trying to clean that up.

I never ask to do any of these reviews because I feel I am lucky to work in the US as a software engineer at a job I love where I make a good living.  I know we are an international community and there are members who might struggle to buy things for their builds.  But I am asking for a chance to review the Pixy CMUcam5 Image Sensor not for me but for my son’s robotics team at his high school.  He goes to a small high school in NH who doesn’t have a robotics team.  I have volunteered to be their coach although I have no experience doing anything like this.  We will be starting in a few weeks, and my hope is to work the rest of the school year on getting kids excited about robotics and getting them some experience with robotics.  We will be building very basic robot kits to help get kids up to speed on the basics of robotics.  Next year, I hope the kids will be ready to compete in April 2017 for the Trinity College Fire Fighting challenge.

I am planning on using an Arduino Mega as the controller for the project.  The Pixy CMUcam5 Image Sensor would be an excellent solution for the challenge since one knows ahead of time what kinds of things to look for like the flame from a candle, stuffed animals, etc.  I will have a total budget of about $200 for the complete build which would push the Pixy CMUcam5 Image Sensor pretty much out of budget. 

I hope you will consider giving this to my son’s robotics team.  If you opt to do so, you will be helping the Parker Academy Robotics Team, and you will also be helping a number of kids to learn to work in a team, how to program an MCU, and how to apply algebra, geometry, trigonometry to solve real world problems.  You will be helping to fire these kid’s imaginations, helping them along the way to be the leaders building cutting edge technology that will heat our global economy and ultimately be the technology that makes our world a better place.

I will have the kids from the team do the review although I will work with them to ensure professional quality writing and a scientific approach to putting the device through its paces. I will work with them while testing it, but ultimately let this be a learning experience for them. They will need to write up a test plan and follow the plan after reviewing literature about what the device is supposed to do. They will need to work in a team, figure out what to do to really test the hardware, effect of different lighting conditions, identify test plans, etc. and also have to come up with the review itself.  During the summer and fall, we will be doing our build, and we will be sure to publish our results here on LMR, give credit for your generosity.

Thank you for reading this and considering allowing the Parker Academy Robotics Team to review the Pixy CMUcam5 Image Sensor.



Ohhh, yep… I forgot to

Ohhh, yep… I forgot to mention… Initially the robot will just track objects. Later I intend to program the robot to track and pick up objects with his arms.


First of all congratulations, Dickel and nhbill!


Interesting that you mention beginners when Mindstorms are mentioned. Obviously you never owned one.

Besides that: the project you propose is in practice impossible and will be so for the next few decades. Aim for something that is within reach of your current knowledge else all projects will fail. Something you unfortunately see very often in hobby robotics: high expectations and in the end an unfinished robot gathering dust somewhere in a dark corner.

Thank you very much! I’m

Thank you very much! I’m very glad! Congratulations nhbill!