Call for reviewers: get a robot and free parts for a review

Update 25/June/2015

We have already two products from this manufacturer already reviewed:

The Edubot2 robot kit

The rero robot kit first review and second review

Stay tuned as new reviews and tips are coming!


Update 1/June/2015

Hi folks!

Cytron Technologies has selected the following :

ggallant for Edubot2

Both Deviated Dude and K80Bot for CT-UNO

Congratulations and we hope to read your reviews from you soon!


Hi LMRians!

We have very good news from Cytron Technologiesthey offer us their quality products directly in our marketplace, also some free to review from us.

They have a broad quality robot products but from now we have these great products to review:



Mobile robot based on PIC16F887 microcontroller in a full featured control board. Ready with rechargeable battery, line following sensor, LCD, robot base, motors and wheels. Ready assembled and tested. With pre-loaded software ready to run, plus full options to create new software. You can find more details on the Edubot 2 robot kit and how to buy it here in our marketplace.


You can control its motors with other boards like CT-UNO (Arduino UNO equivalent improved) from the same manufacturer.


Afordable and improved Arduino UNO Rev3 compatible board. USB Micro-B for USB connection, FTDI IC for robust and easy to use USB to UART bridge. All indicator LEDs located at PCB edge for better view when shield is plug in. It's also compatible with Arduino UNO shields.




You have full specs and how to get a CT-UNO here.
  • MDD10A (Dual Channel 10A motor driver)

Very afordable yet powerful Dual Channel 10A Motor Driver. Ready with driver output LED indicators. Support up to 25V DC and two brush motor. Maximum continuous current up to 13A and 30A peak (10 seconds).

See full specs and product information here.


  • FD04A (4-channel  2A motor driver)

Powerful and afordable Four Channel motor driver supporting up to 2A per channel. Ready with output indicator LEDs, test/manual button to activate output with simple finger press. On board power switch.

You have full specifications and information here.


  • MDS40A (Smart Drive 40A)

Very powerful and afordable Smart motor driver for 40 Amps, with current sensor and multiple type of input. It supports RC input, PWM, Analog and serial command. On board push buttons for manual/fast test of the driver. Maximum continuous current up to 40A and ready for LiPo batteries. See a tutorial on how to manage the MDS40A with an Arduino:




How to get one of these products?

You can go right now to the marketplace and get one (little profits from there are to keep the Let’s Make Robots servers running: we have +2,7 Million visits/year!).

Or you can do a GREAT review on one of these products while they are available.

Cytron Technologies has made a great effor to give away some of its beloved products, so you can review them and get them forever free of charge and shipment. In exchange there are some requeriments to be a reviewer for these products:

  1. Member and Reviewer of LMR with at at least some useful posts with something that anyone can recognize as an original and useful post (to make sure that people not sign up only just to get free parts).
  2. Check reviewer terms here.
  3. More than 12 months from last review (to give chance to other reviewers).
  4. For the Edubot 2 robot kit: basic but not too much knowledge on robots. Testing the solid purpose on education orientation for this kit is important.
  5. For CT-UNO: some knowledge on Arduino will be good to compare with other Arduino.
  6. For power drive boards: some knowledge on controlling motors with microncontrolers will be great!
  7. And the most important: of course writing a good review with good explanations, pictures and videos. The more, the better. (All products are already well tested, bu in the remote case that you find any issue during your review, you’ll have direct contact with the manufacturer technical team, that’s not usual neither :wink: )
  8. Bonus for more points: publishing and linking this call for reviewers in the social media channels mentioning Let’s make robots (in Twitter:@LetsMakeRobots)

If you think you have what is needed, please, let a comment below answering requeriments numbered above, and the manufacturer will choose participants. Thank you for your help and enjoy!


edubot2 review

I would be interested in reviewing the edubot2 kit. My qualification include teaching a robotics course at local school along with 45 years embedded experience.


Would like to review the CT Uno

I would like to get a hand on the CT Uno board.The board is friggin awesome and I love the look of the board.I am going to produce tutorials for newbies in arduino robotics in the coming future.So, the board could give me a helping hand and I would use it in all my tutorials.I would even love to make a robot with the board.(SHR)


Thanks Ggallant!

Thanks Ggallant!

Also for your details. Your point of view can be interesting.

Good to know!

Hi Deviated!

It’s good to know that you want to prepare tutorials from the basics for robotics. Thanks!

edubot2 review

I’d like to be considered for an edubot2 review. I have very little robotics and electronics experience aside from coaching a LEGO FLL team. It is a subject I have pursued as time allows, but it has not resulting in building that first robot from scratch. My point of view would be of a beginner. I would propose to evaluate the unboxing, instructions, performance, and troubleshooting. But if you need someone experienced with similar kits to compare with the edubot2, then this should be passed to someone else.

Regards, Doug

Thanks Doug!

Thank you Doug,

For your details and honesty. All candidates will go to the manufacturer and it will select the reviewers.

Kind regards,


Double Post

Double Post :slight_smile:


**MDD10A with Raspberry **

I am working on tutorial in how to build raspberry Pi robot for school, I will show how to interface between MDD10A (Dual Channel 10A motor driver) with GPIO in controlling the motor direction and speed.


will show comparison between MDD10A with L298N Dual H-Bridge.


this is will be my 1st written on letsmakerobots and I hope that I get this chance

MDD10A with Raspberry

I am working on tutorial in how to build raspberry Pi robot for school, I will show how to interface between MDD10A (Dual Channel 10A motor driver) with GPIO in controlling the motor direction and speed.

will show comparison between MDD10A with L298N Dual H-Bridge.

this is will be my 1st written on letsmakerobots and I hope that I get this chance

No problem :wink:

No problem :wink:



Your details will go to the manufacturer so it can select who do the reviews. Thanks and keep going!

I’d love to test the UNO


I’m a professional robotics engineer as well as a hobbyist working on an interactive robotic puppetry show in my spare time. 
I’d love to test out the uno in the context of my performance as I’m currently using various arduino boards and a wide variety of sensors so I’d really be able to put it through its paces. It’d also get a lot of cycle testing from being in performances and I’d be happy to share pictures and videos of the development process with the board.
Check my twitter: @KatieCorrell (most of my 5600 followers are robotics nerds too, so yay, audience) and website for more info on my work.  

Thanks K80Bot

Hi K80Bot,

I saw you have a great exposure in Twitter, congratulations! To be fair with other contestants for these reviews, I have to say you didn’t publish any robot project here yet, because you are very new here so welcome! As we have already some possible reviewers for this great board I invite you to publish here in Let’s Make Robot any of your great robot project, or several, and for the next reviews I’m sure you’ll get your chance. Thanks for your comprenhension and we wait for your robots and future reviews :wink:


Thanks a lot Franc. I am for the cool CT-UNO.

**Interest in Reviewing the Edubot 2 **

I’d love the opportunity to do a review of the Edubot 2.

1) I’ve been a member of LMR for 4 1/2 years. I haven’t done a lot of posts but included in the ones I have made are robots I developed for teaching my kids, a doodlebot project that placed in a drawing contest and the assembly and testing of a VADER Service Droid.

2) I have completed my profile update as a reviewer.

3) My previous ‘review’ could be the Service Droid kit, but I bought it.

4) I fit the bill here - OddBot can attest to how many questions I ask because I haven’t used Arduino very much.  I may have been around a while on LMR, but the actual time I’ve gottten to work on my robots is a lot less than I desire.  I also would love to involve my 13 year old in the project.

7) I wrote a post that described my assembly and usage of the Service Droid kit and have a fair amount of experience in technical writing.

8) I’m a Facebook user so I can use that outlet, and I can pick up Twitter easily enough.



Oops…missed the update

Oops…missed the update above. The Edubot 2 was already reviewed. You can shelve my request for some hung else down the road.

I had good experience from Cytron Technologies!

I’m really busy at the moment, but i can say the shield MD10 motor driver shield was very well enginereed and easy to debug:-)


Hi OrionBot!

Thanks for your great attitude! Don’t worry, there will be plenty opportunities for more reviews in the near future. Stay tunned! :wink: