Call for reviewers: get a mBot from makeblock for a review


Update 3 August 2015: makeblock has decided the five lucky members who will review the robots. Here is the list:








So congratulations! Makeblock will contact you by the email you are in Let's Make Robots. We are really looking forward to see your reviews that sure they are great. I would like let you the Tips on writing reviews at Let’s Make Robots”, specially videos with LMR intro and end.


For the not forturante members, please take note that more reviews are comming, so stay tunned!


Update 29 July 2015: the call for reviewers is closed. Thank you all for your propositions to review the mBot kit. Makeblock is reviewing now your comments and will decide who do the reviews. Please be patient until we post here who will be the fortunate ones, the makeblock will contact you for the review. Thanks and LMRs!


Update 24 July 2015: we will close the call for reviewers in some days time, so please if you think it will interest you just answer in the comments. Thanks!


Hi dear members!


Today we have a very nice invitation: 5 of you can get and review a nice mBot robot kit from makeblock for free!


I you want to get a chance just tell us:

  1. That you are a member for more than 6 months, with at least 2 publications of enough quality- It is at the discretion of makeblock to decide that quality, but you just try your best! ;-)

  2. What you like more of the mBot.

  3. That you will consider the “Tips on writing reviews at Let’s Make Robots”, specially videos with LMR intro and end.


Between all contestants makeblock will select 5 members who will receive for free and review these nice kits. Good luck!

I would like to submit myself!

A run down of all of the requirements:

  1. Over 3 years as a member, with several posts
  2. I am actually working on building some educational robots for my FRC club! This would be a fantastic opportunity for both the creators of mBot and my team to learn about educational robots! I’m obviously younger, so I might have unique insight into the robot as well.
  3. These are great recources for all reviewers, and I am happy to have them as a proven format.

Let’s do this! For science!

Awesome kit!

What a wonderful kit this is!

If there are any review slots left for this one when I’ve finished my WiPy review I shall throw my name into the proverbial hat :slight_smile:

That’s great Kidbot!

Welcome Kidbot!

And thank you for your interest! Also for your nice feedback.

Your proposal will go to the makeblock and let’s see :wink: Good luck!


Hey Craighissett!

Nice to have you again! You are doing a great job here! Let’s see how it goes and good luck!

Hello! If time constraints

Hello! If time constraints are not too tight, count me in. Thanks!

If you’re still looking for reviewers…
1. Long time member. Does authoring a book count as 2 publications? Reviewed a Labview book before.
2. Seems like a very educational and easy to build and develop robot.
3. Of course…“all your robots are belong to us”

mbot robot kit review

Iv been a member for over 6 months I don’t have any publications tho ,I’m new to the robot hobby  and have been looking for  my first kit  to build so if u want a review from a beginners view and there’s still an space open give me a shout , thank u 

Let’s see…

Hi isotope,

Thanks for your interest. How much time per week do you have for doing the review?


Yes we are…


Thanks for your interest! Well, you have a quite enough things published here, so I think it should work. We’ll send your proposal to Makeblock and let’s see. Good luck!



Hi WhiteDevil,

Thanks for your details. We’ll send your proposal to Makeblock and let’s see. I suggest you to publish some robots and/or related stuff if you want/can so you’ll have more chances as it serves to show your review and written skills also to reward people who share in LMR. But it’s up to you of course :wink:


Count me in!

Hi Francisco

Im hoping to have my WiPy review tied up by Monday - count me in if it’s not too late :slight_smile:

I would say in the range

I would say in the range from 4 to 12 hours a week.


I’m very interested!1.

I’m very interested!

1. Member for over 3 years with some projects with many pictures and info and some walkthrough posts;

2. I really like the versatility of Makeblock kits, with several holes, allowing the user to always expand the project and match parts from several kits. About mBot what I like most is the chassis, which has a great finish and is also versatile. Can still be expanded with parts from other kits when you want to advance;

3. Ok.



I’m Interested!

1) I have been an LMR member for about 4 1/2 years. My publications on LMR have included my entry into the DoodleBot Contest, a story about a set of basic robots I built with my kids, and my journey in creating VADER, based on Dagu’s Service Droid Kit.  The VADER project stared with a review of the kit, assembling it, and then working to build off it’s capabilities.

2) The mBot intrigues me because of of the extra tabs and holes on the front. I’m thinking about what they could be used to expand the mBot to possible draw or pick up small objects. The colors and finish on the chassis looks sharp as well. I’m also very interested in the descriptions of how to program the mBot. I have 3 kids ages 13 to 9 that might learn alot from being a part of it’s review.

3) Certainly!

Good Dickel!

Thanks for your proposition Dickel!

It will be checked my makeblock and let’s see :wink: Good luck!


Thank you OrionBot!

Makeblock will check your proposition. Good luck!

Thanks Francisco!!

Cant wait! Will have the WiPy wrapped up very soon, so it will be done nicely in time to review this brilliant kit!

Thank you!

This is a great opportunity for both my FRC team and Makeblock! I await that package with great excitement!

Thank you very much for this

Thank you very much for this opportunity! I’m very glad!