Call for Beta Testers

As you may already be aware, aside from product distribution, RobotShop also designs and manufactures products under various brands. We greatly value input / feedback from the community and have started a Beta testing program. We seek a mix of experienced / inexperienced robot builders who are positive / optimistic with great communication skills and a strong desire to learn / help. For each beta test, specific people from the list will be chosen and contacted to be part of each Beta tester program as some projects may require certain expertise, knowledge or skills. Beta testing is very different than a request for reviewers (which is separate from the beta testing program).

Prototype Products

The goal of this program is to get input from the community regarding pre-production products. The development status will be provided on a project by project basis and unlike product reviews, these products are not yet mass-manufactured nor available for purchase, so your feedback (finding issues, limitations, suggesting improvements) will help us improve the product before its official release.

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

A signed NDA is required for each project and effectively ensures:

  • No information about the product is leaked / shared prior to the official launch

  • Confidential information is not shared (no posts on social media, video sites etc.)

  • There are no conflicts of interest (you are participating as a private individual)

Involvement / Timeline

Beta testing periods are more fixed due to launch dates. This means that in order to participate, you will need to be able to set aside enough time during the projected testing period to provide feedback on the product(s) you receive. Should you accept, we will need you to actively participate during these months (ex don’t wait until the last minute to report issues / improvements) and will work hard to help us make this an amazing product.


Despite the significantly higher price of pre-production prototypes, the hardware / software is normally provided free of charge and in most cases will be yours to keep. Products are provided without warranty. In exchange, we need your help and input. Should you have originally agreed to be a beta tester but later discover that you are unable to participate either as needed or within the timeline, this may affect RobotShop’s decision to contact you to be a beta tester for future projects and your level of involvement.


If this program is of interest, please contact us at: [email protected] and provide:

  • Contact details: Full name, shipping address, telephone number, preferred e-mail for communications.

  • "Project Resumé": We would like an idea of any and all projects you have worked on (personal or professional) which are relevant to robotics. This can be provided as links to websites / videos, attachment(s) to the message (PDF, ZIP, etc.). If you worked on part of a project, please provide some details. This will give us an idea of your skills / knowledge / abilities. Should you have any other information which might be pertinent (ex. designed and built an electric go-cart, have access to machinery), feel free to include it as well.

  • "Normal" availability: We understand availability changes over time, but in a given week, how much time could you invest in beta testing products?

We will add you to the list of potential beta testers and contact you should you be selected for a given project. Signing the NDA for that project will allow us to share additional information and allow you to determine your level of interest / involvement. You will only become an official Beta Tester once you agree to receive the hardware / software, though the NDA will remain in effect.


Should you have any questions, we’ll do our best to address them.

Why should we want to?

For my work as a programmer I have been debugging software, a task that involves a whole lot of time. I know that’s just software,but if prototype hardware gets involved it takes an awful lot of time! Definitely not a project you can do in a weekend or a few spare hours. So what’s in it for the testers? I know that depends on the project of course, but not mentioning anything does not exactly sound like an interesting proposal. Which gives the wrong impression, because it definitely can be very interesting even if the “reward” is only the hardware or whatever project needed testing.

Beta Testing

Appreciate the questions and happy to answer.  In most cases we will do our best to provide the prototype hardware fre of charge, though we cannot write this as a general statement. The idea is to see who may be interested in being contacted regarding projects which have a beta testing period. A number of people from the list would be selected and an NDA is required before we can provide details. The NDA for that project includes “what’s in it” for the tester and some general requirements in return. Once details are provided about the project, it’s up to the (potential) beta tester to determine if they would like to participate in that project. It is all considered on a project by project basis.