Cable management for servo cables

Hi, just wanted to see what others are using to manage/protect cables in their projects. My walker project was going to have the cables run through the legs, but its becoming more clear this is going to be too tight and they're going to get caught in the joints.

My plan B was to run the out side the leg and join under the hip section. I could just them through a hole a cable tie them together, but as things move these will become un even and possibly get in the way.

Has anyone else found a good way to keep them tidy, protected and in place. Possible small braided wraps or something.


Always a Issue

Making sure the servo wires do not get pinched or rub over time is always an issue.

I have used the braided wraps and they do work but what I have found that works better is aquarium hose.

Yes the hose that is used to supply air to an aquarium works well as a wrap.

I use a razor knife and split the hose down the side and then wrap it over the servo wires.

The hose is plenty flexible and will protect the wires.

Wire ties in most cases are going to be your friend to hold the hose to a leg.

Make sure that you extend the leg to it fullest position when attaching the servo wires/hose to the leg so when the leg does move it does not stretch out the wires and break them.

I have also bought adhesive Hook and Loop (Velcro) and used it to secure the wires/hose to a leg or arm and it works well.

Hope this helps you.

Wire wraps

We have found that two kinds of covering are the best: black spiral sleeving and black mesh wire sleeves. You would cut them to the appropriate lengh, while ensuring there is sufficient cable available for the full range of motion.

Hadn’t thought of the

Hadn’t thought of the plastic tubing, I might give that a go. Thanks

Any chance you’d have links

Any chance you’d have links to coverings that are small enough for servo wires? Had a look around and only been able to find either really expensive or way too big. Thanks

If you go on ebay and do a

If you go on ebay and do a search for Wire Loom you will find just about any size you need.

You might want to look at

You might want to look at this post. Its not about servo wires exactly, but it’s a really clean finishing.

Hi…as per my knowledge two

Hi…as per my knowledge two kinds of covering are the best: black spiral sleeving and black mesh wire sleeves. You would cut them to the appropriate lengh, while ensuring there is sufficient cable available for the full range of motion.

pcb prototyping