
This is my second robot called ..

It drives on table avoiding obstacles trying not to fall down. It has two photoresistors to detect table edges and one 38 kHZ IR reciever to detect obstacles. I used two hacked micro-servos for movement (that was really pain with my shaking hands :-) ) . Power is supplied by one small 7.4 li-pol battery with 800mAh. As a brain I choosed AVR AtTiny45.

This robot is just a by-product of my learning process. I wanted to move from Arduino closer to micro controllers so I bought my self an AVR programmer and started experimenting with ATMegas. When ordering some electronic parts from local store I found this small AtTiny MCU and ask myslef whether I could make a robot with it. Apparently I could :-)

The circuit is really simple same as algorithm written in C. The AtTiny45 has 6 I/O pins, but you can use only 5 of them since the 6th one is used for reset. 2 ADC pins are used for "tentacles" sensors, one pin is used for the IR reciever and 2 pins with PWM are used for moving. There is also a 555 timer IC for modulating IR LED to 38 kHz.

As for the chasis - all credits here goes to my artistic brother, who used some lego parts, plastic cards, old mouse and other things to give the little buddy really cool look :-)

Avoids falling

  • Actuators / output devices: micro-servos
  • CPU: AtTiny45
  • Power source: 7.2V 800mAh Li-Pol
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: Photoresistors, 38Khz IR receiver
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/c-a-p-a-r-t