
This is BrutBot.

He is my first robot and is based on the Arduino UNO with the Adafruit motor shield and a Parallax ping))) sensor.  I started with a "start here" kit but grew impatient with fried picaxe chips and infrared sensors, so I decided to try Arduino with an ultrasonic sensor instead.  

I came up with the idea of using an empty deodorant container one day during the summer, so I washed it out and started working on the design. 

I hadn't worked on BrutBot for quite a while, but I was inspired to keep working after going to Maker Faire and meeting Chris the Carpenter, robotgoldfish, and ignoblegnome.  I enjoyed talking with Chris and seeing all of the great robots at the table.  I just want to thank Chris for encouraging me and my passion for robotics and I really hope he (and the people at Let's Make Robots) likes my final product!

Update: 10/7

I had the idea last night to use one of Radio Shack's "Digital Sound Modules" to record and play back a sound through BrutBot's speaker.  My parents had some friends over from Boston today, but I got them to drop me at Radio Shack while they were at the grocery store. 

Replacing the Playback switch was a little tricky, but I figured it out and used a 2n3904 transistor to control the sound with my Arduino board.  Right now, he says "I can't find my teeth!" which my dad's friend recorded as a test, but I plan to change his saying. Maybe a slogan from a Brut commercial?

Any suggestions?


I hope to make the following improvements ASAP:

  • Edge Detection
  • Put the speaker on the back of BrutBot to use
  • Work on BrutBot's code to make him a little "smarter"
  • Some type of bump/collision sensor

Obstacle avoidance, smells good & won't sweat!

  • Actuators / output devices: Solarbotics gearmotors
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: arduino uno
  • Programming language: Arduino / C++
  • Sensors / input devices: Parallax Ping)))
  • Target environment: indoors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Cool idea to use the

Cool idea to use the deodorant container :slight_smile: I still would try to put te board inside the container.

Nice SHR!

Great job, Evan! It was nice

Great job, Evan! It was nice to meet you at Maker Faire. You did a wonderful job on the mechanical build, and the video is very well done too.

Keep it up!

Great job, Evan! It was nice

Weird double post.

Great job, Evan! It was nice

Weird, weird, weird. Triple post. That’s a new one for me. Only hit ‘Post comment’ once.

That was my original idea…

My original idea was to put all of the electronics into the container, but the Arduino just barely fit without the shield. I probably could have used a smaller board, but I wanted to keep it simple for my first 'bot.  Thanks for my first comment ever on LMR!


Thanks Andrew!

I’m glad you liked my video because I stayed up extra late filming and typing up my post!


When you are done just let me know!

Just kidding, I have enough empty containers in line to become robots as it is…

I saw this in real life!!

Yes indeed, a great little bot. Actually guys, I had the pleasure of seeing this little guy first-hand at Maker. What can I say? Good bot, clean design, no spaghetti --I’ll give ya about 98% on it.

Good job man, and it was really cool to meet you.

Best smelling bot on LMR!  \o/

Thanks Chris

Thanks Chris! That means a lot to me.  I’m still working, so hopefully I’ll earn that extra 2% from you in the future!

Do you minde sharing your

Do you minde sharing your sketch?