Broken Picaxe 28x1 board

so i perchased a 28x1 board a while ago and it took a fall from about four feet and hasnt worked since. is there a way i can have it checked out to see if the board is broken. if not is there a place that isnt gonna cost me $40+ to get a new board? If so let me know =)


No problem. Grab your measure-thingie and start checking connections. From power in to power going into the chip. Check continuity between all your inputs and outputs from pin to pic leg. Etc. etc. etc.

yeah, check everything.

yeah, check everything. Worst case scenario, it’s the picaxe IC itself and you can get one for $10. I’m guessing it’s a broken discrete component or a loose wire, though.

"measure-thingie" xD

Ive done so and havent found out whats wrong with it but i will give it another look over just to make sure thanks.


so there was a little black connector jobbie that was missing and i found it =) now i can work on programing