Bluetooth Remote Control Treaded Chassis

Hi again, I got into a

Hi again, I got into a project and I need to comunicate various cell phones with the bluetooth module and I was wondering which mode of operation did you set it to ? (as to SM0, SM1, etc). Which bluetooth profiles do the cell phone has to support to do so?
I will be programming in Java do you have any suggestions? I’m new at doing cell phone apps.

Thanks, and sorry for asking that many questions. 


The default SM0 should work

The default SM0 should work fine for use with serial port profile (SPP).  You can get a zip of example programs HERE.  I acquired that link from Cambridge University Press on a page for the book Bluetooth Essentials for Programmers.  Good luck I’d like to hear about your experience with JSR82 so please let me know how it goes.  You may consider checking out that book too because the code might be difficult to digest without it.

For fast prototyping I suggest using Python on an Android or Symbian S60 OS.  But if you are great with Java and don’t know Python it could take longer.

** Hi, it’s been long time.**


Hi, it’s been long time. First of all I wanted to say THANKS, that book helped me a lot to understand bluetooth programming. I was able to communicate with the module from different phones. I used JSR82, it took me a while to get used to Java and J2ME but using JSR82 is a little esear than what I though, the IDE I used is Netbeans (it is great!!!). You can watch a little demonstration on YouTube of a program I did,  i used it to turn on and off a led I also used an Arduino. If you want I can give you the code.



I’ll definitely check out

I’ll definitely check out your java source if you post a link (I host my code on  Thanks for the update, glad to hear of your success!

Help with labview

I tried to use labview file u gave… But itz not working… Getting some error… M using an RN-42 module… And am nt able to change comport… Plz help… M a complete beginner

Knowing the error would be

Knowing the error would be useful information… for starters are you using LabVIEW 8.20 or later and did you remove the _.txt extension when using the file so it looks like  You also need to to add the bluetooth device first and determine what COM port it is on.  Also include what operating system you’re using.

I used latest version of

I used latest version of labview… M using windows7. Yep itz in .vi format. I also hv sm other problem… Am using ATMEGA16… I used sme other program to communicate with it using the code u gave… For ATMEGA16 should i make change in code??

Thanks for ur help:-)

probably, reference the

probably, reference the datasheets for differences in register names :slight_smile:

Help to connect motor…

Sir am using a motor which uses about 9A to work… Sen how should i make the connections??

Am thinking about using relays… Is der any motor driver IC available for this?

If am using a relay how should i do the connections?

Thank u sir

You can design an H-bridge

You can design an H-bridge with relays or MOSFETs (MOSFETs being the preferred one), or you can buy a medium to high current dual motor driver from somewhere like  I suggest a non-smokable design!