Bluetooth module

Would be nice if the Bluetooth rover kit includes the converter too as it’s only $9 USD. That way we can configure it ourselves such as changing its name and passcode.

So my Bluetooth module is now pairable with my tablet but controlling it through the apps that are recommended is not working. What can I do to fix this, do I need to change the baudrate or the code around for this too work? If you need any more information I can send you some more info.

The baud rate and parity need to match before they can communicate.

I am also using the kit with the app recommended here in the Bluetooth tutorial. I can pair up with the phone and app, when we push a button, the rover moves about a second and stops. Can the Bluetooth device baud rate be set? What is parity? I’m trying to help my son out, but I’m out of my league here.

More info regarding the Bluetooth can be found here: … odule.html … el0026.pdf

If you have the one in XBee format: … el0026.pdf

It seems possible that the app is sending a command other than W/A/S/D, which causes the rover to stop.
You might need to modify the rover’s WASD sample code so only a specific key stops the rover.

I need help setting slave/master, baud, parity. I see I am not the only one who needs this help with the current Bluetooth v3. This is not addressed in anything I found here. I looked before posting. I suspect the settings are not as advertised, and I need walked through changing them. I do have a regular uno board to use as a converter to communicate with the board, but have no idea how to help my son get this done. He is very interested in robotics and is writing sketches, but I don’t want him to hit a wall and lose interest. Please help us get over this hurdle. This would be good info to add to the tank user manual, as the Bluetooth section is not up to date.

After some testing on our end and contact with the manufacturer, it seems there was a bad batch of Bluetooth modules (no defective, just incorrectly configured base on the guide.
As such, the easiest solution would be to exchange the module. Please contact us at [email protected] with your order number and a link to this thread.
We apologize for any inconvenience. You should be able to tell your son that the issue was not at all his fault and the diagnosis / correction is not something which would normally need to be done.

Thanks for looking into that and getting back so quick. Support is working out the details already.