Blackwidow Sumo Robot

SR-624 Blackwidow

Blackwidow is a sumo robot that I have built for the Louisiana Tech University's annual IEEE Robotic Sumo tournament.  

1, Dimension: 10in x 6in x 3in
2, GreenDot wheels
3, 14.4V DC cordless drill battery, 2x12A Sabertooth motor control
4, Sheet metal worked chassis (steel)
6, Weight: 6.4 lbf

Funded, Designed, and Fabricated: Augustine Aelevanthara
CAD Platform: Solidworks 2013

Blackwidow secured 2nd Place in IEEE's Sumo Robot Competition on 13th April, 2013. The 6.4 lbf robot lost to its 50.1 lbf opponent in a 2:1 battle. its successor is currently under construction called TYPHOON.
I have had 160lb people riding on this robot without stalling the motor. Thats as much weight i am confident to test before the 1/8 steel sheet frame start to warp and buckle.

Push other robots

  • Control method: RC/microcontroller
  • Power source: 14.4V Cordless drill battery
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Looks nice, sturdy and

Looks nice, sturdy and compact. It’s a beast for that size!

What motors are you using on it?


they are lynxmotion 12V dc

they are lynxmotion 12V dc motors. I believe they are 300rpm.


Got some video of that

Got some video of that beast? Pictures?

How fast does it go? 45in a second?

Check out my sumo