
Here is my new little robot BennyBlue...

I'll made my own Android app in Google's new App Inventor.. I was quite easy actually.

It's controlled serial by receiving characters over my RN-42 Bluetooth module. Yeah, and that's about it..

Hope you enjoy it! Like it? Comment are appreciated

Update :

The source code are now available. is the Android App Inventor source code

Benny_Blue_v1pde.pde is the Arduino source code

Love to see new robots inspired by BennyBlue



Remote controlled robot via bluetooth enable Andriod program

  • Actuators / output devices: tamiya dual motor gearbox
  • Control method: Remote controlled via Bluettoth
  • CPU: Arduino, seeeduino
  • Power source: 3.7V Lipo & 9V battery
  • Programming language: wiring
  • Sensors / input devices: Bluetooth
  • Target environment: indoors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Nice job!
you wrote the

Nice job!
you wrote the android app as well as the robot code. good integration.


It is necessary a turn by “a tank principle”: left - forward, right - back)


That looks awesome, I too am trying to hookup a bluetooth android - arduino connection.

Would you be intereseted in sharing your source code for app inventor and arduino?



That looks awesome, I too am trying to hookup a bluetooth android - arduino connection.

Would you be intereseted in sharing your source code for app inventor and arduino?


Very nice, kucza :)I too

Very nice, kucza :slight_smile:

I too would be interested of you feel like sharing your code, and the Android App :smiley:

Source code

Hi guys…

Sure you can get my source code… We are all here to learn from each other… right ?:wink:

Love to see what you can do with it.

If anyone has any questions you are welcome to contact me


Many, many thanks,

Many, many thanks, kucza.

I’ll look forward to having a look at those tomorrow. :smiley:

No probs! Happy building!

No probs! Happy building!

Good job and thanks for the

Good job and thanks for the code, just one question In the program you have to declare the device mac or the proogram search for the devaices availables?

Eager to implement this idea!


I have an Arduino UNO and the RN-42 bluetooth and the BennyBlue app running on my phone. I don’t think that data is transmitting from the phone to the Arduino, via Bluetooth.  Is there a simple sketch to control the LED on PIN 13 to make it go on and off?