Battle Walker

Down to the cent, nice.

You can probably make you’re own vacu-molding for not a lot if you go to a local hardware store you can find evrythig you need.

Then You have to do youre prints, wich is going to be nasty I believe, lots of trying to get the right thing.

Keep us uptaded and give us piks of waht it looks like!

Yeah, I have a few hobby stores around here. I also have a few Lowes/Home Depot stores around here.

So, did you start building the vacu-molder? It should be very interesting!

Sorry it took me so long, I’ve been busy.

Nah, I havn’t got any updates yet. I’ll try to get something done soon though…

Will the new Gyro Sensor that Lynxmotion has in stock work with the Basic Atom?

Got any pictures yet?

I don’t think he’s started yet :wink:

Sorry, I was on vacation. I haven’t had time yet to do anything else besides replace the Nylon Snap Rivets with Screws.