This is BARM, my work in progress robot.

BARM stands for Blue Autonomous Rolling Machine.

Beautiful isn't he?
He would be alive right now, but he needs a 330Ω resistor snd some wires.
As you can see, the "chassis" is made from popsicle sticks.
Here are some more pics.
Blurry "Majestic" view.
Close up.
Wheel UBER close up!
I will probably be finished next weekend!
Comment please!

Roll around in the near future.

  • Actuators / output devices: GM 9
  • Control method: Autonomous.
  • CPU: Picaxe 28X
  • Power source: 3 AA Batteries
  • Programming language: Not programmed Yet
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR
  • Target environment: indoor, My imagination

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

First Post!


Man, you may not think so, but that is a very neat robot. In both ways. My first robot…ermm… like it had so many taped wires sticking out of it and all that. Anyways, cool! I’m surprised nobody else commented. I think you should add some kind of shell, but I’ve noticed “cases” feel too limiting.

btw: macrsweetness

Oh yeah-
I haven’t used any resistors for my servos, just a little piece of wire. Also, those servo wires that they sell at HVW Tech are good, I got about 5, but I have since run out. :frowning:

oh no the wires aren’t in

oh no the wires aren’t in here in these picture

right now they are, but idon’t have time for pictures

Extra Frisl points for the
Extra Frisl points for the sticks


ha ha i never even noticed that. yeah fritsl does use those sticks alot


Haha my robot couldn’t move one of his wheels because of a bad soldering job

I told my parents he had polio XD