Trying to make the mechanics form…to get the template. Still looking for the good material of robot. Anyone have comment?

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/ay-bo

I like clear acrylic, it’s

I like clear acrylic, it’s light, cheap and you can bend it with a heat source

can be a little hard to cut if you don’t have the tools


and it looks cool too :slight_smile:

Actualy i love this material

Actualy i love this material and I’ve try to make some part of them, but it’s too hard to bend because it small size. And I always make them broke…:slight_smile: But anyway thanks…

Hey I like the plan. What

Hey I like the plan. What servos are you going to use?

I don`t see anywhere a twist in the hip or ankle, is that intentional?

PVC all the way!


yeah i saw that post and was woundering what sort of sizes does it come in?

and is it easy to cut?

I buy it in 2m lengths. I cut it with a bandsaw. A handsaw or a hotwire cutter would do equally well. I’ve heard of it being cut with a sharp knife.

i’m currently building

i’m currently building something similer mainly to play football some big differences


1. The axle movement on mine is …(i dont know the technical term) 90 degrees around as i thought it would be more useful then yours but whenever i see humanoid bots they have your set up can some explain why this is better? (im a bit optimistic hoping mine will be able to run and i think my way is better)


2. Im a student so i have less then no money so i’m using what i can find i have 2 servos at the ankles and stepper motors at the knees. Now im new to this level of robotics and although im comfortable with servos im new to steppers and having looked at this site i havnt found any bots with steppers so yet again can someone explain why servos are better all i can think of is the weight difference

3. If anyone could point me towards which kind of boards im going to need it would be great i’ve had 2 legs sitting on my window shelf for a month as i don’t want to do any more untill i know i can use the steppers


4. As for materials well its almost entirly cardboard tubes from tin foil rolls some lollipop sticks and some Tic Tac boxes =P

** I use alum (window frame**


I use alum (window frame material):


For small biped, I saw some using 1mm TIMIYA PLA PLATE


And recently, using wood:
