Hello LMR,
This is my first robot based on the arduino version of SHR (penny). It has as you can see IR sensor to avoid obstacles. The body is made from a scavenged aviation grade oil can the rest is all stuff you know.I will attach a video shortly to show it in action. I also added a back up function that backups until it reaches a fair distance to start scanning again.It took me alot of time to build this little guy since I had to also learn how to programm the thing.
Thanks for all the help from everyone and im already preparing for my next project an outdoor version that can withstand arctic temperatures.
navigates around via ultrasound
- Actuators / output devices: cheap servos and motors
- CPU: Arduino Duemilanove
- Power source: Battery Pack
- Sensors / input devices: ultrasound
- Target environment: indoor
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/aviation-grade