Autonomous Granny Gadget

This is a coverted invaid scooter, that is being adapted into an autonomous granny gadget......

The scooter runs at 4 MPH, and is controlled by a sabertooth motor controller and its steering is operated by a linear actuator.

All controlls are operated by an arduino.

Safety kill keys and emergency switchs operate the scooter.

More will be updated as we develope.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Too Cool

Fantastic. THIS, I want to hear more about. What will it do? I have a friend who needs this. Equipped with ultrasonic sensors, for example, I imagine it could be programmed to follow her wheelchair.


Need help?

Good luck!  Ambitious undertaking.  Hoping to build something around that scale for my next bot.  Concentrating on the software and sensor side for my 10lb bot right now…then planning to port it to 24V bot with scooter motors.  If your see anything you like on my SuperDroidBot that you think might be of help, let me know.

I have several power chairs.

I have several power chairs. I also run Sabertooth controllers on the hacked ones. The nice thing is the power/speed difference once you remove their stock controllers and the solenoid brakes. These things have twice the speed/power hidden behind safety stuff.


Here’s a video (which I made for someone else), but shows one setup in RC mode

I put a buddy on it and drove him down the street at about 10mph then did a left 90 degree turn into a right 1080 spin. He was completely whiplashed!!!  It was a total “Jack Ass” movie moment, but funny…