Autonomous Boat

This bot or Autonomous boat is called vigani. Its a local name so don’t worry about the name. From design to firmware everything will be opensource once the final product is completed. Micro controller used is ATMEGA1284P with Aurduino language.

Used one brush-less motor, ESC, Digital compass and GPS for now.

Before i used ATMEGA328P and it was giving some memory issues when using SD card libraries for read and write, and the UART ports are not sufficient and i don’t like using software serial cause me enough trouble.

In my blog i have mentioned issues i went through so now i am very happy with ATMEGA1284P’s performance. Once this sea vessel / boat is completed it will automatically survey the ocean or sea. Bathymetry and many more oceanographic features will be included. Since i live a place surrounded with beautiful sea’s this will be the best product for the local community as well as many will be interested in robotics and robotics’s community.

This project will go on till the final product and still we are testing everything to make it perfect as possible. This is tough project for me since this place is resources less and there is less developers or DIY type people to promote these cool inventions. Please do keep a contact for more updates.

Its building for ocean surveying

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Thank you Duane.Yes the

Thank you Duane.

Yes the ocean in Maldives is very beautiful and everyone loves it.

This boat is arround 2.5 feet and i am also scared when it goes too far on those waves. But till now no incidents happened and it counteract the waves without any issues. If it goes too far by any miscalculation or error we can hit the kill switch remotely so it will return to home by bypasing the controller.

The final product will be around 4 feet and with much stable design.

Thank you for the support :slight_smile:

Nice Ro-Boat!

Really quite amazing… and same for the beach/ocean!

Great work!

thank you Roxanna77 for the

thank you Roxanna77 for the comment. :slight_smile:

new video uploaded with more

new video uploaded with more bug fixing