Autonomous Arduino Car Maze Solving with 3 Ultrasonic Sensors

The field of robotics has advanced greatly in recent years, having a large field of research in finding solutions to everyday problems, such as problems solving mazes and test new designs.

The objective of the study is the practice of using an autonomous robot with ultrasonic sensors in solving mazes, using automation, robotics, artificial intelligence and computational logic.

Verifying and analyzing the logic used in the process of solving mazes, where there is only a beginning and an end, autonomously, without human intervention. In it was used prototyping platform electronics free hardware , the ARDUINO , which through its programming language, the Wiring, a derivative of C/C++, you can write the program with the necessary logic for the development of automation around robot, where there are three ultrasonic sensors for measuring and monitoring the distances from the walls of the maze.

At the base that supports are three wheels, with two individual motors controlled by an integrated circuit connected to Arduino manipulating the speeds of these motors and a wheel without a motor in order to get around.

A real model was introduced to solve this kind of problem and was analyzed both the theoretical and practical as this solution was made. The robot solves the most varied paths of mazes and may use it for different types of experiments and projects involving artificial intelligence and robotics in the context of computer science.

The idea for the project came in 2012 in a television documentary about autonomous vehicles. It was a contest of eleven finalists teams a total of 53 initially.

 The challenge was to create an autonomous vehicle and to follow a path set by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), Projects Agency Defense Advanced Research of the United States, the agency responsible for the development of new equipment for military use in the United States.

This trip was an urban area in a city where traffic laws involved cars traveling the roads and cross streets, appearing like the idea of creating a robot that follows a path maze that can come out of it with the intention of using artificial intelligence and computational logic.

The robot was given the name Daileon, which was developed with the main feature to solve mazes using artificial intelligence using ultrasonic sensors.


navigate around via three ultrasonic sensors, solves mazes

  • Control method: Full autonomous
  • Operating system: Windows XP Pro
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: 3 SRF04, 2 RC Motor

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Nice. I don’t read spanish.

Nice. I don’t read spanish. Are you using backtracking or just a simple go left or right if straight ahead is blocked?