The Sabertooth controller has two operation modes, please make sure you read its manual and understand them. It is possible that your board is on mixed mode instead of the independent mode.
Just to update you guys, i now configured it into mixed mode knowing that s1 will control forward and backwards motion and s2 will control the turning. The forwards motion has no problems but the turning has problems. Only when I press together the s1 wire then the turning motion will takes place. I also look at some forum and kurte i saw that there is a sabertooth 2x12 that is non rc is the image below a non-rc ? what does that mean? This is also the code that I am using to drive the motors. I am currently using in analog mode. Please do let me know my mistakes.
const int motorpin = 9;
void setup()
pinMode(motorpin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
analogWrite(motorpin, 100);