Automatic medical diagnosis device - Part 1

Gaussian_naive_Bayes_classifier.pdf (67716Bytes)

One of my long term projects is to develope an automatic medical diagnosis device. During my research I came up with the so called naive Bayes classifier and started to learn about this kind of machine learning. In the attached PDF I use the example given on the wikipedia page but in greater details. If you want to learn more about naive Bayes classifier, I recommend the following one:


Sounds interesting. I was

Sounds interesting. I was just reading about a NORMAL Bayes classifier the other day. Don’t yet know the difference between the naive classifier vs. the normal ditto? Anyway I came across it because I was looking into OpenCV, which contains a normal Bayes classifier class. This may or may not be of use to you, just thought I’d mention it.

Normal and Gaussian are the same name

In statistics a distribution is said normal when data points lay on a gaussian curve.
Neural networks are great for finding correlations and make up models with data. The danger is that neural networks will find connections even if there is none.