ATROPOS: Fonera Quadrocopter. An insanely home-made UAV

fritsl, since this new post,

fritsl, since this new post, take whatever you want to put it on front page. Ask me if you need more pics etc… :slight_smile:

My dream project!

This is like my dream project: some sort of flying robot. I’m workin’ my way there by backtracking and re-learning the fundemental electronics stuff. I’m a web developer by trade, so I fully understand your HTML5/jQuery stuff (I would think you’d use jQuery for your AJAX requests, right?). The mechanics and the electronics…that’s why I’m glad this site exists, so I can watch what bright guys like you do to wire it all up and make it all work :slight_smile: Awesome, awesome job, and way to realize a dream I’m sure many of us who frequent this site have. Now, how about building enough to form a swarm and to do some cross-communication between them? :slight_smile:

Glad to see how own projects

Glad to see how own projects can inspire others to make their own. I’m a web developer by day too, and I miss that nowadays companies don’t  take too much into account transversal knowledge and want only “experts”, at least on my country. For me this is a escape valve, and guess it is too for may LMR members.

Ajax stuff is made using Prototype because that was the library I used on my work, but nowadays I would use jQuery, no doubt :wink:

Next steps are, fine pid tuning, gps hold, some kind of fireworks “weapon” maybe kinect implementation, object avoidance and so on…

Me ha encantado :smiley:

I loved it :smiley: