ATmega328 EEPROM Options?

I would like to utilitize the 1K of EEPROM on a Pro Mini project to store variables/arrays of type int and float, but without much knowledge on the topic, the direction to go is not clear. EEPROMex or EEPROManything or something else. Are any of these options deprecated or just unnecessarilly overly difficult? I hope to get some advice on the most up-to-date libraries/techniques LMRians are using. I enjoy the learning process and a nudge in the right direction would be appreciated.

I have no experience with this.

I did a quick search on my phone and got a range of hits. Some seemed useful. This one seemed quite useful otherwise a web search should provide you with the answers you are after.

What keywords did you try in
What keywords did you try in both Google and in the LMR site search engine?

I just did “Arduino eeprom” and got a boatload of hits, many of which look good. If I did that in Google, then I’d get even more boatloads of hits.

A much more direct search would be on the site (the home page for the Arduino) which has the actual functions used to read and write bytes to the EEProm.

i think that olympia

i think that olympia tutorial is limited to read/write one byte. I tried eepromanything and .h files stumped me. such a greenhorn. Thinking i will spend a few hours with plain ole eeprom.h and  figure out  get() and put(), which should work for int’s and float’s.

For reference

My search term(s) was/were arduino eeprom “pro mini”