ARM CPU Assembly programming help

I have a project in mind but I need some help getting started from you Assembly programmers.

I have a chip that I want to get a programmer for and then be able to program it.

The chip is iMX31L which seems to be related to ARM1136. I did a search for ARM programmers in google but I want to make sure I am getting the right thing.

I have been reading the datasheets here:

But I still cant seem to get the chip information from all these datasheets. I have been reading for two days now.

Here are the high res pictures of the device. It is a Zune. I was hoping to be able to connect some wires directly to the chip and then upload some assembly from a programmer to be able to load the Linux Grub boot loader on it and then I could load Linux files and run the OS on the device.

There are other chips on it also but I believe these are just controller chips and that the main chip the iMX31L is the only one I will need to program.

I have found this one programmer from Sparkfun:

Will this programmer work? Can I just connect wires to the chip directly and then connect those wires to a serial connector for this programmer?

I was also wondering if this document would be a good start for ARM assembly:

Any and all information would be appreciated! I have been searching and searching for the past 2 days. :(

Found another programmer that seems to be the same

From sparkfun also

I was hoping

to make my zune into a robot controller with Linux. Thats the reason I want to reprogram it. :smiley: since it is small and has memory already. 8 gigs.

I would have lots of space for programming. :smiley: