Are we too many in here, should we start limiting acess?

That’s actually a really

That’s actually a really good idea. I don’t like the idea mentioned previously of keeping robots from being promoted back to the front page when they’re updated – sure, sometimes you’re just making a minor change, but if you really have made a bunch of progress and are posting your new pictures and stuff, nobody would get to see it if it didn’t get put back up on the front page.

But dividing the page into two or three sections to separate the robots by experienced builders from those from newer members seems like a great solution. And I like the idea of having one section on the first page exclusively for showing people’s very first contributions. I don’t know if Drupal can do this sort of thing natively, but everything’s possible if you know a little PHP :slight_smile:


What is the real issue here?

What is the real issue here? Is it that too many people are joining the site? Is it that the front page is being littered with what many may consider to be inadequate posts? Is it that too many people are asking what some consider to be ill-informed questions? Or, do we not know what the real issue is? Someone new to the site may want to join because they share a common interest but may not know how or where to begin. Some may want to showcase what they are working on or to share ideas that others may find useful. Whatever the reason, they should not be shut out or shunned. Those that do not intend to contribute will eventually fall by the wayside and the issue with non-robotic posts taking up the frontpage will be replaced by what some, but not all, will consider useful posts. This is all subjective as some may consider the nooby posts as an opportunity to help someone out. Sometimes learning can be in the form of contributions. I think we are chomping at the bit here and nothing will get solved unless we figure out what the real issue is. As I read through many of the posts, I find Fritsl’s original question as kind of vague and very open to one’s own interpretation. As such, this has all branched into many subjective issues.

Is there really an issue with an ever-growing community of individuals who may or may not have something useful to contribute? Are we gonna start witch hunting folks now who some may perceive as not contributing enough?

I say lets keep it open and those that lose interest will fall by the wayside.


B) Some hotshot famous robofantastic dame, who wrote a book about chips when she was twelve, looked like wow and stuff… made robots sing, you know… would like to join in, and we just where closed.

That would be a shame. lol

The only problem is the
The only problem is the front page could then get stale with old robots. I doubt YDM would ever get dethroned.

I would assume that it could

I would assume that it could be done using some database calls…
Select * from ROBOTS where username_number_of_bots_built = 1 SORT BY date_posted

I know that the username numbe rof robots built would require a join with the user data table and the robots table but you get the idea. Maybe java or flash could be used to only show 3 at a time, but have it rotate every few seconds.

Cool, Z!

A) i think this thread is getting way too long, so I try not to respond :slight_smile:

B) Zanthess, your idea is brilliant IMHO!

C) Zanthess; Your idea would take quite lot of web-work, or manual administration. Boththings we have way too little of :confused:

D) I never intended my thoughts to pick on "stupid questions & noobs", I just liked the way it was when I was able to follow everyones projects, and more get to know everyone. I found it more cosy, a better party.

E) I am considering how to make more ways of "comunities in the community", and make lists more precise and shorter to help better overview.

On a sidenote: Prognose says
On a sidenote: Prognose says that in a year, we will be 10.000 in here every day! I am not sure Dans server can keep up with that, or the year after :wink: But I / we are working on stuff. (While building robots and try to have a life :D)

side noted

side node noted.

I responded to the suggestion that inactive user IDs be culled. Hosting cost does not come into consideration here.

I agree with you that with growing membership (of the active kind) we will start to feel the strain of increasing bandwidth requirements.

And I also agree that this was totally not the reason you started this debate.

I also totally stress that
I also totally stress that we are looking into it, working on loong lists of todos :stuck_out_tongue:

I totally agree with everything you said.


I was agreeing with you at first, but then I thought, "If this had been put into effect 2 weeks ago, I probably would have given up already." It seams to me to be sort of a selfish point.

Sorry if that was a bit harsh.


I’m a pubescent school boy!

I’m whiny!

And I take offence to that!