Are we too many in here, should we start limiting acess?

I’m confident that sort of flexability is ruled out by the Drupal CMS as it sits.

How many do you want in here?

To the ones fearing that closing gates would make people not participate - well, that was the point :slight_smile: I am (not planning) considering if we are just “LMR” - us! And let us just continue like that.

Every month we could allow say 10 new members, or every year, we could allow 100 or something.

I think we are a great bunch, and just being us would mean that we would be able to grow in quality as a team, not in quantity as a website.

It would show some balls to be a place where you’d have to …? to get in. We have those balls, because LMR belongs to us; No ads!

Freakin strongest robo-building team on the web!! As opposed to a rapid growing community.

My vote is that we close off, and everyone inside can invite someone from outside to participate + anyone from the outside can write to us to let us know why they should be a member too.

I am new here too :smiley:

So I dont really have the right to say anything with only 2 little bots made lol.

But I think closing off and have this be a membership only community with non members only able to access maybe front page and some of the forums would be a good idea. Just to be able to check out the site to see if they want to be members.

You will prolly need moderators also. Forum moderators, robot moderators. When some one posts something as a robot that should be a blog or forum the moderator could change that up really quick from a Robot to a forum post.

Well thats my 2 cents for whatever it is worth. I do love this site and am glad I found it when I did. :smiley:

Slightly Balls

Make it so that in order to become a member you have to present a robot or other contribution that has to be approved by two other members.

[edit] just a suggestion

I think
I kinda agree with frits, but I also kinda disagree with frits. I think that membership to this site should be limited, but only temporarily until this sudden LMR craze dies down. I also think we should keep it so that LMR stays ad and spam free (delete ted’s sig). Nothing against ted, but its great to have an active community without harassment to buy things. Though I have said all this I still believe that forums that take months to approve your membership are really annoying and a big pain. Final verdict: Stop new memberships temporarily

Sure you do have something

Sure you do have something to say - You are a member, so you are LMR! And so are the hundreds, if not thousands of other members who never even added one robot!

My point is; We are all sorts & all kinds!

We already have some moderators, Jklug80 for one is very active, and in general we have a very good spirit of helping and telling off. I’d hate if we where to have more moderators, because I would have to spend more time on it. It just does take time for one central person to keep things running smooth, just does.

Seen in the light that we
Seen in the light that we really do not need more members now in order to have fun - and seen in the light that more members are likely to create more chaos, I personally think it is a good point. Not that I do not like new members, I am just not sure that I think that right now more members is a good idea.

Yes, we need more of that…

Yes, we need more of that… And do you think we are getting more of it by letting in more people? Or by being us, producing more…

I am not talking about closing the site for the public, only new memberships to be restricted / toned down for a while…

Stop new memberships

Stop new memberships temporarily - i agree… Only, it would be sad if

A) Someone had a friend they’d like to bring in

B) Some hotshot famous robofantastic dame, who wrote a book about chips when she was twelve, looked like wow and stuff… made robots sing, you know… would like to join in, and we just where closed.

So that’s why I think that we should just let it be on invitation-base (every LMR member could invite) - or “knock-knock-can I join, I should, because I’m cool”

- and everyone else could still read along, just not comment / see the shoutbox / ask questions etc.


Well… it is just my thoughts, I am not going to just do anything, I just want to hear what you guys think :slight_smile:


I dont think we should stop
I dont think we should stop memberships, but would would be ideal is that someone had to post a robot they were working on before they were allowed to post anything else. I dont think we could put this into the code,but it would make it so that to join you HAD to be working on something. I know someone could make somthing up just to get in, but it may help. Perhaps a using the voting method where is someone gets a post flagged as spam it automatically changes their password or bans them for 24 hours would be nice too.

Totally wrong

It’s your show Frits, and so ultimately your decision, but my experience and my instinct says that you would be totally wrong to try to limit access. That’s the fastest route to LMR’s death.


I am totally impressed by

I am totally impressed by the efforts of contributors whose first language isn’t English. They must find it terribly daunting. It frustrates me sometimes that I can’t understand their questions and can’t help; but I couldn’t do half as well as the worst of them.


Only 20

This is a fundamental conversation about how LMR should work, and there’s only 20 or so LMR-ians prepared to contribute a comment. LMR may be getting 2,000 visitors a day, but we 20 (and CtC - where’s he gone?) are probably putting up 95% of the posts. If 1,980 visitors come through the door every day, look about, and leave without saying a word - who really cares?


I don’t think LMR could be
I don’t think LMR could be killed even if we tried to :slight_smile:

Actually we could quite
Actually we could quite easily ensure that in order to enter, you’d have to enter a robot first… I am not sure it is the way ahead, but technically I do not think it would be hard.

CTC will b here in a minute
CTC will b here in a minute :smiley:

Before Chris enters…

Guys, thank you for the debate.

You now know it is your own fault if things are getting out of hands :smiley:

You had the chance :wink:


Keep flaming newbees who have not read the FAQ or the “best practice” (front page), thank you ever so much to everyone answering people asking stuff about the start here-robot, and my other posts, and each others posts and all, you know - thanks for all you do :slight_smile:

If I was to rule, I’d close the party for newcommers for now - I like you guys, and don’t care if we can get bigger, though it in itself also sometimes thrills me to see us beat the pack in shere numbers.

I made the site to get friends making robots… and I have that now… But hey, one can always use more friends :wink: And it IS really cool that you just know that many people are going to see what you make, and it IS really cool to enter every day and see loads of interesting stuff made!

Rock on!

Little eggs

As sure as little eggs are little eggs LMR will die one day. What you (we) try to do might make it sooner or later, but eventually LMR will have run its course. To think otherwise would be both hubris and in defiance of the evidence.


Agent Bauer to the rescue!

In exactly 24 hours, you managed to introduce a highly controversial issue, propose a very impopular counter measure, incite dozens of conflicting responses plus a few partly related flames, weigh them against each other and reach a verdict that is completely opposite your own suggestion.

Jack ain’t got Jack on you Frits! Now how about that Global Warming Thingey? Let’s say, 48 hours on that one?

Good call too.

The only way for it to die is for the major contributors (which I have seen about 50 of you) stop coming to this site and stop building robots. The only reason to get massive amounts of users here would be to make money from it via advertising and other affiliate type things. Which I personally do not want to see. So now we will see a bunch of spammers and such with more people coming to the site. So as far as contribution this site is still really small. :smiley: