... Are Belong To Us

Know your meme! Rocketboom is funny for so many reasons. This is a must see for anyone wondering about or using that frase "All you base are belong to us!", or variations thereof.


All your cake are belong to
All your cake are belong to us.

oooh i’ve always thought it
oooh i’ve always thought it was an error :smiley:

That’s a great summary. I

That’s a great summary. I still really enjoy that song that Laziest Men On Mars did, and often listen to it just for the music :slight_smile: They also did the “Terrible Secret Of Space”.


Less is more
I think that this was funnier when fewer people knew what it meant. It’s not an in-joke any more.

Duh, I’m a 54 year-old old

Duh, I’m a 54 year-old old phart. So, I don’t really get it, but that’s O.K.

I remember Robby the Robot when he was still just a little pile of parts.

Duane S

Wilson, North Carolina USA



Has a lot of info about all

Has a lot of info about all your base…


…man brings back memories.


My friend had an 18 person van with an over-powerful stereo system. We’d blast that song and find small hills to fly off of. Good golly, I’m suprised I didn’t die then…

knew most of thatbut I’m an

knew most of that

but I’m an internet nerd of massive proportions

I own one of these http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts/gaming/3777/

It was great fun to see the confusion on my coworkers faces :slight_smile:

Ah man I’m such a maroon !,I

Ah man I’m such a maroon !,

I thought it originated from Frits… Thanks for the info Rik… (so embarrassed) Obviously, I need to go to Geek Finishing School

Not to worry
I only found out about it 2 or 3 years ago when I took an interest in retro video game emulators, and I’ve always classed myself as a geek.

Each person is only allowed
Each person is only allowed 1 internet meme. Frits already had the YDM.

Only ONE?
Surely that can’t be right. I presume it’s one meme per realm?

no one meme per person Frits
no one meme per person Frits is done for life. He had his 15 minutes of fame… or whatever measurement of time those wacky Europeans use.

units in europe
The EU recently went American on that unit. We no longer measure fame in minutes, but in Hiltons. Well, like the Farad, that is a pretty huge unit, so in daily life, we mainly use nanoHiltons. I’m serious! It was in the Treaty of Paris 1994.

5 picoHiltons to you !

Now, that was fricken funny.

No man, I am on still; I am

No man, I am on still; It is featured in Google trends by now!

(NOT excactly a high rank compared to such entries as Coca-Cola, Bush and The Beatles… but it’s there! :D)

Now there is European time for you :smiley:

tag this as "OMG"

A popularity meter that indicates which Paris is more popular. From the makezine blog.


Wow! Where did you dig up that old relic? I’ve seen one of these before. I think it’s from an AVOP meter. Am I right?

I think yours is out of calibration.

All your base…

I remember reading about it a long time ago… But it was not so appealing as it is to watch a video. Thanks for sharing. Now, I can’t help and add that All your robot are belong to me!