
As being an engineer who had some ‘free’ time in his Christmas holiday the creation of the first arduino-based platform was achieved, this first prototype was called ArduinoBot.
The advantage of using an Arduino a processor unit is that these units are available worldwide and that there is a large community behind this open-source platform. The advantage is that there is a large example-code base available which students can can check if they run into problems.

As can be seen on the picture, this version included also wireless communication trough an Xbee module, only two light sensors where included and the battery-pack was mounted between the chassis and the main PCB. The original design of Arduinobot was more focused on embedded programming to create standalone functionality as can be seen in this video clip.


After these explorations the decision was made to develop this platform into a mature platform for students to learn and get enthusiastic about programming.

AdMoVeo was Born.

looks fancy and drives around

  • Actuators / output devices: 2x Dc geared motors
  • Control method: ZigBee (XBee) wireless
  • CPU: Arduino Decimila
  • Power source: 4x AAA NiMh 2500mAH
  • Programming language: c adrduino, java processing
  • Sensors / input devices: 2 x light sensors
  • Target environment: inside

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at